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Orsa has a vet appointment tomorrow, initially for staining around her tail and back end. This is still an issue off and on, but unfortunately it feels like she may also be developing a mass in her abdomen, I do wonder if this is pressing on her bladder causing incontinence 😔 but hopefully it's just that her organs are easier to feel at her advanced age. She is certainly looking more like a little old lady these days.
She has maintained her weight at 39g for quite some time now so I'm hoping that, with the absence of weight gain, there isn't actually a mass.

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Try not to worry. She looks so healthy that hopefully that vet can advise on keeping her comfortable in her old age and prevent any suffering.
She really is beautiful! I totally understand why you are dreading the appointment. I hope it goes well.
So unfortunately she has a cyst or tumour just smaller than a marble on her ovary or uterus. He was willing to entertain spaying her if I chose to, its a surgery he's done easily before apparently and given she was otherwise OK in herself it was worth considering, but between her age and ongoing respiratory issue we decided it wasn't in her best interests to put her through surgery.

We will keep her spoilt, happy and comfortable until she either needs euthenasia or passes of her own accord 😔
I really am so sorry Eriathwen. I hope you still have plenty of time together. I know how much your precious girl means to you.
I’m really sorry to hear that she does have a tumour or cyst, it’s not easy having to hear that news & make the best choice for her but I’m sure you’re doing the best thing, she does seem happy & content now & I hope she can stay that way for some time yet.
I think that was the right decision not to have surgery - it's harder to recover from when they're older. Keeping her comfortable is the right thing. It's a hard thing to cope with as you know it may mean having to make that decision at some point - if Metacam isn't enough at some stage. But it may be slow growing and she may continue well for some time - as Beryl says - every day in happiness and comfort is a bonus.
Thankyou guys 😔 normally I'm happy to throw the kitchen sink at trying to fix them and struggle with the 'leave it' approach but, for a change, I'm confident this is what is right for her.
I also don't want to force my vet to do a surgery he doesn't want to do, while he would entertain doing it, he did albeit jokingly ask me not to make him do it, and with that and being pretty sure I couldn't deal with the stress of it on top of recovery and any guilt if she passes or doesn't live very long after.. this is the best decision for everyone all round. It doesn't make it suck any less, but im happy I won't look back and regret this decision once she's toddled off to join Pasha. It would be different if it were making her unwell, but she's doing great apart from a little loss of condition.
I read back to the beginning of your thread and saw she turned 3 this month. That is truly wonderful. You have given her the most amazing care. I understand you 'happy to throw the kitchen sink' especially as you are so used to caring for animals with additional needs. I think it sounds like you have a great vet who has been very honest with you. It is not easy to make the decision you have made but I would have done the same thing. Little Orsa is going to spend her remaining time loved, cherished and pampered by you.
The man's a diamond 😅 and I trust his judgement. I know he would have done an excellent job of the surgery but as he said, just because you can do something, doesn't always mean you should, which is something I've been trying to put into practice the last few years.
So sorry to hear Orsa is unwell, it must’ve been such a difficult visit and day, hoping she keeps well and you have lots more special days together, your bond is so beautiful to see in your photos.