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He sounds brilliant. You may want to list him on here under the recommended vets. :)
Yes do please add him to the list of recommended vets :) If you're comfortable with that

As for the decisions - I have been on both sides at various times. Not wanted to just wait but to have surgery - depending on the age of the hamster and their chance of much lifespan afterwards. With tumours though, they so commonly come back that I felt in one case, it might have been better if I had not had the surgery. The hamster had the surgery, the stress of it and recovery, and bounced back well, and the vet thought they had got the whole thing and no spread - but within weeks had secondaries or a tumour elsewhere it seemed and the end result was the same. But every situation varies. And to be honest I have never heard of a 3 year old russian dwarf hamster before - especially a hybrid. She is an incredibly old lady - and looks very good for it. Sooner or later, something starts to go or be untreatable. The main thing is - she doesn't know that. She can just happily enjoy each day.
Yes that was another for the pro/con list, literally the only pro is we remove the mass. As he said, it doesn't fix the respiratory issue or turn back the clock and make her younger 😔 being one of my animals she couldn't just have one problem at a time! And with my luck we would get her through it and she would end up developing something else.
So here we are again, another night of uncertainty. When I went to give Orsa her baytril for the night she was very deeply asleep, once she realised I was there she weakly climbed up onto my hand , clung to my finger and started licking it. We've been sat for a while now while she alternated between napping, licking me, and getting the (rather wobbly) zoomies and having a run around. She has begun to agonal breathe, so unfortunately I do think this time there isn't going to be anything I can do. She has had her meds, some baby food and a lot of love, I have popped her back into her cage while I finish up meds and syringe feeds for everyone else that needs them (I'm even currently syringe feeding a gecko..thats a new one on me!) And I'll check on her before I go to bed, she had a good run around her cage when I put her back.

I have a vet appointment tomorrow for some piggies, so if needs be, I can take her along for euthanasia, but I think she will probably make her own way by then 😞

Fingers crossed for another of her crazy 180 turn arounds..

I'm so sorry Eriathwen. She does seem like she is near her time doesn't she. She is safe and comfortable with you right now. If she doesn't have another turn around (and it does happen) I hope her passing is peaceful. A worrying time for you. Big hugs.
Thankyou, it does seem to be that way. Which is a shame, when she's awake she's very lucid. I always find those the hardest to lose, when the mind wants to stay but their little body is failing them.. because if there was anything I could do to help them be able to stay when they clearly want to, I'd do it 😔
Understand that x Nature means that their time will come at some point and we can only hope it is peaceful. If it's not her time, she will come round again. Sometimes though they hang on for us and you sometimes need to say - it's ok to go if you want to. I am sure they understand and pick up our tone and feelings.
I had told her she could go be with Pasha again, she insisted she wanted to keep running laps on the bed. She would run off, come back, grab a nap against me or on the heated wheat bag I take to bed for my back..and then off she would go again 🥲 eventually she plopped down next to my arm, and I could tell she had had enough, I held her as she took a few final breaths and then she was gone. It was extremely quick, but I cant believe she has no longer here. Its a very humbling experience having a little prey animal make it clear they want you to be with them while they pass, while she isnt the first to have done this, considering what a nippy, cantankerous little monkey she could be sometimes, it's nice to know deep down she knew I would look after her.
I’m so sorry, those final moments when they want to be with you are so special & I’m so glad you had that time together, she was happy & content right up until her final breath & there’s nothing more we could wish for them but it is so sad & so hard to see them go. She had a wonderful long life with you & has left many special memories but I know how hard this time is.
So sorry Eriathwen - a difficult night for you. Play well over the Rainbow Bridge little Orsa - you will be missed by all of us.
I am so sorry to hear of Orsa's passing. Her time had come which you both knew and you both made the best of what you had left together.
Play well at the bridge little Orsa.
I am so very sorry to hear Orsa has passed. The way she wanted to spend her final moments with you is so beautiful and shows how much she loved you. You gave her the most wonderful life and transformed her life completely.
I’m so sorry to hear of Orsa’s passing. Such a sad time, but nice you were able to be close with her and spend that time together as you clearly have a deep bond. She has had a lovely long life with you, with lots of memories to cherish. Play well at the rainbow bridge beautiful Orsa.
So I figured I would post this here, as its the final part of Orsas story, and the beginning of a new one.

I finally got the courage to take down Orsas cage today, with a great deal of tears. I fully expected to see her little face come peering out of her final nest hole 😅

I made myself do it at last to make space for me to set Pashas cage back up.. I miss the girls an incredible amount, and after the passing of both of them, 2 guinea pigs and my poor gecko Maurice in just the last 2 months, I feel making a new little friend will do me the world of good, so tomorrow I will be going to see who I can find.

Goodbye Orsa, it's been a pleasure 🥲

Such a hard thing to do. When you have some kind of memorial it can help too - even if it's just a few words, like you did on here. Or there's the rainbow bridge section for a memorial too. Or some people plant something as a memorial.

I am also looking forward to meeting a new little hamster friend of yours.
It has been difficult, I won't lie. I chose today to do the cage though as I was going out with friends for a meal and some drinks, I've just got home after having a great time and lots of laughs which has helped. And tomorrow hopefully I can focus on our new little family member.