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Hey guys! I got Posie 3 days ago and she’s slowly been exploring her enclosure more as time goes on. This morning she explored her sand bath for the first time and also used her lotus pod! (pls lmk if the video link doesn’t work cause i’ve never uploaded a video before)

So lovely seeing her pop out of the top of that house :-) She's so tiny! She looks very relaxed there.

The video shows up fine :-) You just paste the youtube link and it embeds.
Adorable, she looks so happy in that enclosure. I love her testing the edges, and deciding not to hop down. It's so cute
So I’ve been slowly trying to get Posie used to me, so on Monday I offered her a piece of freeze-dried pumpkin and just held it out for her. She got startled and ran to a different area of her enclosure, so I left it on her platform for her and she slowly went back over there. Yesterday I gave her a freeze-dried superworm and she just froze sitting on her wheel, so I placed the worm on her wheel. But then she was a little scared and ran on her wheel and I think the clanking sound of the worm scared her so she went to hide in her burrow, but then she came out 1 minute later and ate some of the superworm. Tonight, I offered her a small piece of cucumber and she was a bit frightened and started running on her wheel really fast. I left the cucumber on the platform her wheel is on and she hasn’t checked it out quite yet. I think making little bits of progress every day can help her learn that I’m not a threat or a predator and that she doesn’t have to feel scared around me. Thoughts?
Hand feeding is a good idea as, even if she's doesn't take the food from your hand straight away, she's will have started to associate human activity with food arriving. It's also great that's she is running on her wheel while you are there as many hamsters wait until their humans are asleep before using their wheel. It's quite an honour to be trusted. Socks runs on his wheel while I am watching, and if I go out the room, he gets off and stands at the bars, looking to see where I've gone.
It's progress but it's very early days if you only got her a couple of days ago so I would maybe give her the odd day off to do her own thing :) You could maybe just talk to her through the enclosure so she gets used to your presence and voice, and then offer something to eat now and then. But it's good she took something from you.
It's progress but it's very early days if you only got her a couple of days ago so I would maybe give her the odd day off to do her own thing :) You could maybe just talk to her through the enclosure so she gets used to your presence and voice, and then offer something to eat now and then. But it's good she took something from you.
Okay I’ll give her a couple days off! Thank you for your feedback!!
Hand feeding is a good idea as, even if she's doesn't take the food from your hand straight away, she's will have started to associate human activity with food arriving. It's also great that's she is running on her wheel while you are there as many hamsters wait until their humans are asleep before using their wheel. It's quite an honour to be trusted. Socks runs on his wheel while I am watching, and if I go out the room, he gets off and stands at the bars, looking to see where I've gone.
Aww that’s so cute

Ty for ur insight 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Just see how it goes. There's no right or wrong way but if she seemed a bit skitty and ran off to her wheel (it's like they're trying to run away!) then you can maybe leave it a day and then offer her a treat again. And keep talking to her.

Probably the best person to ask is @Dusty's Mom as she's done a fantastic job of hand taming her Robo :-)
She's so adorable! It's making me want another robo :ROFLMAO: . Very considerate of her to look right at the camera :) I had a thought as well. From the earlier video mainly but generally - if she slips a bit on the house roof, what I used to do was cut hemp mat to the size/shape of the house roof (cutting a hole out for the hole on top). It makes it easier to walk on. Or you could do the same thing using a cork mat.
She's so adorable! It's making me want another robo :ROFLMAO: . Very considerate of her to look right at the camera :) I had a thought as well. From the earlier video mainly but generally - if she slips a bit on the house roof, what I used to do was cut hemp mat to the size/shape of the house roof (cutting a hole out for the hole on top). It makes it easier to walk on. Or you could do the same thing using a cork mat.
Ooh that’s a really good idea cause she does slip a bit. I’ll upload pics when I do that 😁
Another idea I use is flat slat pieces for them to walk on. I use them to help file down the claws as well. I buy slat cheese boards or coasters, depending on how big a piece I want. I have one on top of Dusty's multi chamber hide where his water bottle is located.
Little picture of Posie up at 8:40am!! I’m pretty sure she went to her burrows around her usual time (6:30 ish) but came back out (even after the lights were on) to forage a little and use her dig box! Is this a sign she’s feeling a little more comfortable in her enclosure??

Update: Posie is awake during the day again!!! She actually might be sleeping in her ladybug hide right now, but before she was awake and foraging 🥰🥰


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