Probably-Ralph getting more and more shy?

Ok. So maybe 8" to 10" throughout the whole cage might be better and see how that goes. Would the nice apartment house still work then? The main idea of deep bedding is so they can dig tunnels but that's only really possible if the substrate is deep in the entire cage kind of. And he may not be doing it anyway if he likes his subterranean hide. The main thing about having it all the same level (still with his nice items you have) is it could be easier to get him into a routine for getting him out and taming. You may be right that he feels a bit exposed in the lower/more open area.

When I get a minute, I'll go back and look at the cage set up and see if I can make some suggestions :) While still using the same nice items. It would be nice if he would come out early evening for food and at that time you can tempt him into a tube and have him out for some taming in a playpen.
Thank you! The apartment is 10" at the top so it should still work. There's a dig box in one corner that he doesn't really use; I might switch out the hemp bedding in there for cork. I can order stilts for the multi chamber hide or make them at any height. I did order a new sand tray because I think the current one is too small. Thank you!
Quite a few hamsters want to just be left alone! But once they are out they behave differently. If you see him out and about I would offer him a tube with a bit of cucumber at the far end and if he walks into it, try him in a playpen area.
Yes- our hamster will totally avoid us if he can, but if we do goad him into his "transport," or catch him when he's already awake and out, he's gentle and becomes comfortable climbing on us or taking food from us.