Raffy (Syrian Hamster)

Relieved you found him, well spotted! I think he was probably secretly glad to have been found and returned to his comfy nest to sleep.
I think so too. It’s a bit sad he feels it’s not safe to be seen while out (possibly) in case I let sone stranger manhandle him again! I guess it’s a time thing. But for now I can’t let him free roam of he’s just hiding somewhere.
Agreed, he will be fine with a little time to settle down. Raffy is just being his hamster self
Last night he was dead keen to come out and virtually climbing out of the cage door. I didn't want a repeat of the previous two nights so I let him out on the sofa for 10 minutes or so. He's not that keen on being on the sofa though. He looks like he wants to jump off but has never dared to. Probably not a good idea at his age - but he did look like he was close to it.

It's a bit of a game at the moment. He has now shown his disapproval by hiding so if he wants to free roam he'll have to behave or go back on the sofa,
Perhaps the playpen would be good, then you can do other things while Raffy is safe and having a little play. He can have a nap in a hide in his playpen if he wants to 🏡
I'm thinking about that as well. I'd need to de-construct the hamsterproofing in the room to set up the playpen again! The panels from it are used to block of a corner of the room where he shouldn't go.
Last night he was dead keen to come out and virtually climbing out of the cage door. I didn't want a repeat of the previous two nights so I let him out on the sofa for 10 minutes or so. He's not that keen on being on the sofa though. He looks like he wants to jump off but has never dared to. Probably not a good idea at his age - but he did look like he was close to it.

It's a bit of a game at the moment. He has now shown his disapproval by hiding so if he wants to free roam he'll have to behave or go back on the sofa,
Little tinker but you have to smile at his determination to do as he pleases 😀
I'm thinking about that as well. I'd need to de-construct the hamsterproofing in the room to set up the playpen again! The panels from it are used to block of a corner of the room where he shouldn't go.
It's worth it if he's safe and you have peace of mind.
I resort to thick corrigated cardboard and box files to block things off its easily stored under the sofa 😀
Cheeky little Raffy, flexing his muscles after a vet visit 🫤 Hope he’s been more himself the rest of the week and no more hiding?
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Yet to find out! I missed him the last couple of nights as I was upstairs doing something and he was nowhere to be seen when I went down.
Aw thank you. I’m missing him now. Haven't seen him for three nights. My own fault as I’ve been doing a lot upstairs in the evenings so if he doesn’t hear me it seems he doesn’t come out. I’ve been going downstairs just before midnight and no sign of him. Mind you it’s been hot as well so maybe that’s something to do with it.
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He came out for his food tonight but looked a bit peaky and a slightly sticky eye again. Then went back to bed. He seems to go like this if his routine changes and he's not out every night. I'll see if I can tempt him out later, but I suspect he won't come out again now.
I decided to tempt him out by moving some substrate. He's definitely a bit off tonight - a bit wobbly. I thought maybe he'd come round if he was out and perk up a bit. He's not really been quite himself since the vet visit. So he was on the sofa for a bit and still a bit wobbly with his back legs at times. He went like this before a while back but perked up again.

He looked interested to go on the floor, peering over the edge of the sofa, so I let him out and he did all his usual things but his back legs are clearly a bit wobbly again. I followed him round to make sure I didn't lose him. He ended up going under the carpet tunnel again. He seems more tired. But walked into his tube when I put it near the tunnel. I tried holding him for a little stroke but he was making clicking noises so clearly didn't want that.

I'll see how he is tomorrow. It might just be a change of routine and him perk up again but he was definitely a bit off tonight. Poor little man.