raw wood hideout and log advice


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Hi there! My name's Charlie and I've just started preparing to get my first hamster so today I went and got a second hand skyline cage (which i think is a barney due to size and colour but top is an A frame shape which I've never seen before) and a bundle of hamster accessories from someone on fb marketplace.
So there were a bunch of things in the bundle I immediately threw out (including a hamster ball) but these two I'm on the fence about. Im worried about the type of wood this hide is made of and that its already pretty chewed. I have similar reservations about the log but its not as chewed so it it seems safe ill sanitise and use it. Any advice would be super helpful thanks!

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Hello & welcome to the forum.
Getting your first hamster is exciting, you’ll find lots of useful info here if you need help with anything.

I’d be a bit dubious about second hand items to be honest, the house does look very chewed anyway & those sometimes have tiny tacks in them which can be dangerous so personally I would bin that.
The log doesn’t look so bad but I would sterilize it, most people bake wooden items in the oven.
Thank you this is really helpful! ill probably chuck the hide and bake the log.
A lot of the stuff I got is going to be really helpful once ive cleaned it all - I got a carry case, water bottle stand and a 8.5inch wheel (i want a robo dont worry).
the wheel is wood with a cork lining, should I bake that too? it also has this logo on the bottom if anyone knows what brand it is. Im planning on giving it a go and then if its too loud or if my ham is peeing in it a lot ill order a bucatstate one on amazon.

Hallo and welcome to the forum!

I'd bin the house for two reasons. It's too chewed and a Robo could get their head stuck in the window.
The log i'd wash and scrub to get any smells out and then bake at 100C for an hour.

I'm intrigued with the cage. Is the bar spacing ok for a Robo? You could post a photo if you like.

As for the wheel. I would sanitize it but don't know if that would damage the cork lining or not. Does the wheel smell at all?
I only use plastic wheels i can wipe with a damp cloths. My Robos have the MouseBro which is similar to the Bucatstate and they love their wheels.
Hallo and welcome to the forum!

I'd bin the house for two reasons. It's too chewed and a Robo could get their head stuck in the window.
The log i'd wash and scrub to get any smells out and then bake at 100C for an hour.

I'm intrigued with the cage. Is the bar spacing ok for a Robo? You could post a photo if you like.

As for the wheel. I would sanitize it but don't know if that would damage the cork lining or not. Does the wheel smell at all?
I only use plastic wheels i can wipe with a damp cloths. My Robos have the MouseBro which is similar to the Bucatstate and they love their wheels.
Hi! thank you thats really helpful :) the wheel doesnt smell but it is dusty.
I just measured and the bar spacing is about 7mm so should be fine! heres pictures from the llisting as Ive stored it in a bit of an annoying spot for now.

cage 1.jpg cage 3.jpg
side note - a found some clips for the cage on ebay for a couple pounds as its missing clips. Im also planning to make some full size wood panels for the back and one side then get acrylic panels from viking laser for the front and other side so I can get about 8-10 inches of bedding in here!
side note - a found some clips for the cage on ebay for a couple pounds as its missing clips. Im also planning to make some full size wood panels for the back and one side then get acrylic panels from viking laser for the front and other side so I can get about 8-10 inches of bedding in here!
That sounds brilliant!
That does sound good, getting the panels for the cage & having really deep substrate.

I wouldn’t reuse a wooden cork lined wheel, wheels do get peed on & it’s almost impossible to be sure you’ve got it completely sanitised, it may not smell to a human nose but a ham may still be able to detect the scent of another ham too.
That does sound good, getting the panels for the cage & having really deep substrate.

I wouldn’t reuse a wooden cork lined wheel, wheels do get peed on & it’s almost impossible to be sure you’ve got it completely sanitised, it may not smell to a human nose but a ham may still be able to detect the scent of another ham too.
Thats a very good point, I might just get the bucatstate one anyway then. Im also aware itll be quieter and easier to clean you know?
Hello and welcome. Yes it’s the Alexander cage :) . It’s a great cage for a Robo with the 7mm bar spacing. Are you going to have deep bedding as it’s quite a tall cage?
Hi! yes I'm planning on making a couple of full hieght wooden panels for the back and one side them I'm going to order acrylic panels from viking laser once Ive checked with them that the mid height Barney cage ones will work. Given the base is about 6" deep already I should manage to get at least 8/9inches in there
Wood panels sounds like a great idea. I was also wondering if the Barney panels would fit but the Barney is deeper so they might not. That would just mean a slight gap at the sides though which isn’t the end of the world :) .

I’m really looking forward to seeing it set up!
I’m not sure about the Alexander, but the Barney base was actually 17cm so a good depth. I think you would easily get 8” in there - up to the bottom of the front doors. A tip also - you might not need bedding panels - the 7mm bars hold the substrate in. Depending what substrate you use. I used to have a Barney and had fitch piled high at one end and it didn’t fall through the bars. I miss 7mm bar spacing!