raw wood hideout and log advice

I’m not sure about the Alexander, but the Barney base was actually 17cm so a good depth. I think you would easily get 8” in there - up to the bottom of the front doors. A tip also - you might not need bedding panels - the 7mm bars hold the substrate in. Depending what substrate you use. I used to have a Barney and had fitch piled high at one end and it didn’t fall through the bars. I miss 7mm bar spacing!
Im not at home right now so I cant check but it was at least 15cm if i remember correctly. Thats really good to know thank you! Ill give it a test before I order them, Im planning on using carefresh/kaytee clean&cozy with some layers of timothy hay for extra structural integrity (as recommended by Victoria Raechel on Youtube)
Im not at home right now so I cant check but it was at least 15cm if i remember correctly. Thats really good to know thank you! Ill give it a test before I order them, Im planning on using carefresh/kaytee clean&cozy with some layers of timothy hay for extra structural integrity (as recommended by Victoria Raechel on Youtube)
If you are using kaytee it does not need any hay because it holds burrows really well.
I’m not sure about the Alexander, but the Barney base was actually 17cm so a good depth. I think you would easily get 8” in there - up to the bottom of the front doors. A tip also - you might not need bedding panels - the 7mm bars hold the substrate in. Depending what substrate you use. I used to have a Barney and had fitch piled high at one end and it didn’t fall through the bars. I miss 7mm bar spacing!
I'm not at home so I cant check but im pretty sure it's at least 15cm. Thank you thats really good to know ill definately do a test with bedding before I order the acrylic panels (will still do wood to make my hamster feel a bit safer and less exposed). Im planning on using kaytee clean and cosy with layers of timothy hay to give it a bit more structural integrity - a tip i got from Victoria Raechel on youtube
I'm not at home so I cant check but im pretty sure it's at least 15cm. Thank you thats really good to know ill definately do a test with bedding before I order the acrylic panels (will still do wood to make my hamster feel a bit safer and less exposed). Im planning on using kaytee clean and cosy with layers of timothy hay to give it a bit more structural integrity - a tip i got from Victoria Raechel on youtube
sorry i accidentally did this twice! my laptop was acting up and it looked like i hadnt posted the first message
oh cool, i might have to use carefresh at some point bc its kind of hard to come by in small quantities where i live but im planning on using it to start bc massive bags are cheap here
If you shop online you can buy it cheaper on Amazon. Sometimes they have offers on the 85 litre bags for £20. It works out cheaper to buy bigger bags of bedding then the smaller ones.