Rescued female syrian, underweight

Yes I'm all for make do and mend! We were brought up with that too. When we moved a few years ago I wrapped fablon round one of the smaller packing boxes to make a temporary coffee table. It was temporary for about four years ha ha! It was only when I couldn't find something I realised it must still be in that box - I'd wrapped it without emptying it first!
Cardboard is your friend with hamsters. You can make all sorts out of cereal boxes, pringles tubes, tissue boxes and shoe boxes. They make great hides and tubes. And are safe to chew. Cardboard egg boxes too. Female syrians sometimes like to rip up cardboard for some reason (partly for their nest as well). I bet she loves the space in that pen but she might be feeling a little unsettled. She'll probably be fine meanwhile if you can leave her nest in the cage and just remove the tube. Does she bar chew if the cage door is closed overnight? I expect she will if there's not a bigger wheel in there.