russian dwarf hamster losing weight

I’m not so keen on the Getzoo food myself but have found mixerama to be good, which mix did you have from there? It could be that there is an ingredient in the mix that doesn’t agree with her & if that’s the case it’s probably better not to go back to that mix, Mixerama do several dwarf mixes though & I can’t remember which you had now, sorry.
I don’t think there’s anything in the Rodipet mix that would cause her any issues so it might be worth considering if she continues to ignore the science selective now.
For the short time I had a dwarf hamster, she had the rodipet hybrid mix and pouched the lot, emptying her bowl every day :) I definitely think it's worth a try. It's also tailored to help prevent diabetes apparently

All my hamsters have also loved these - as a treat now and then - just a pinch.

I'm just wondering if she is filling up on something else? Maybe eating a lot of sprays or additional treats? Hence not eating her mix?
She doesn't have any sprays in her tank atm, since she had the loose stool i stopped providing sprays.
No other treats, only a mealworm about twice a week.

Would it be best to continue the ss for now? With or whithout the white mill mix?
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Personally I would get some of the rodipet hybrid mix to try, but meanwhile, continue with the SS and Wittemolen.
Is it possible you previously weighed her when she had food in her cheek pouches?

You do not need to weigh your hamster every day. I think that will only make you feel anxious. It is good she is eating and acting as she usually does.
Good shout !!! ...Ill have to consider this when weighing my lightweight !! :love:
Yesterday i gave her the getzoo/mixerema mix nex to to the science selective.
No loose stool so far...
but she refuses most of the mix.

Today she is showing stress signs: knibbling on things a lot,licking the glass from her tank wall.
I will provide her with the white mill (witte molen) mix again.
I would check her water bottle/bowl as licking glass can often be a sign of thirst.

If it's not thirst, it can occasionally be a sign of a mineral deficiency caused by either diet or illness. But usually it's just thirst.
The bottle is working, and she also has a bowl.
I will see how she is tomorrow after feeding the white mill food again this evening.
Is she eating veggies ok? And other treats/forage? Like sunflower or pumpkin seeds or linseeds?
Yes she is doing fine otherwise.
She just seems a bit agitated. Maybe she had an upset belly due too the getzoo/mixerema food?
Or maybe it is time to change her tank set up again, she might be bored?

Will see in the next couple days how she does with the white mill food.
It might not be the food with the best ingredients, but i cannot force her to eat something she doesn't like (like science selective or beaphar, or the getzoo/mixerema mix)
Yes she is doing fine otherwise.
She just seems a bit agitated. Maybe she had an upset belly due too the getzoo/mixerema food?
Or maybe it is time to change her tank set up again, she might be bored?

Will see in the next couple days how she does with the white mill food.
It might not be the food with the best ingredients, but i cannot force her to eat something she doesn't like (like science selective or beaphar, or the getzoo/mixerema mix)
i would not change her set up as that can be stressful for hamsters. Does she like to go in a playpen?
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I Don't know, i have her out on the sofa with me a couple times a week for a few minutes, and i also put some houses on there, but she keeps running around and looks a bit stressed when she is out. she likes to sit with me in my hands, but out in the open is a bit stressful for her.
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I think a playpen with plenty of clutter and enrichment may be different. Maybe she would like that? My hamster would never want to sit with me on a sofa or bed but he loves his playpen. :)
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I do hope she settles down again. If you’re going to continue with the food she likes, maybe put out the odd fresh food supplement so she gets plenty of good nutrition. Eg a pinch of hemp seeds and a pinch of linseeds daily. A bit of chopped hard boiled egg once a week. And maybe the occasional pine nut that elusive mentioned.