Safe and Unsafe Hamster treats

Pistachios are fine, pine nuts & walnuts have tended to be favourites with mine though.
They need to be unsalted pistachios though :)
UHHHH, i put one pistachio in his food bowel last night. (he didn't eat it) but i just checked the label and it said they were salted, should i be worried?
Hi JaysBeans! Your hamster should be fine, but I would take the pistachio out of his food dish if you can find it. I don't think one would make him really sick but it can be bad for him since that's a lot of salt for a little baby!
Hi JaysBeans! Your hamster should be fine, but I would take the pistachio out of his food dish if you can find it. I don't think one would make him really sick but it can be bad for him since that's a lot of salt for a little baby!
good news, i took it out. but im worried if i should put fresh food in there because there might be salt on his food now
I doubt there would have been enough loose salt on the nut to get onto his food but if you’re concerned it might be better to put fresh in.
Can you give a pistachio nut in its shell?
I think that's fine - if it's unsalted. I thought the ones in shells are usually sold salted.
I'm sure I've seen plain pistachios in shells. I'll check next time I'm out shopping.
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I'd be cautious about giving a pistachio in the shell because the shells are very hard, so it's unlikely a hamster could chew through it. But if they do chew it, a pistachio shell tends to shatter into sharp shards which could be dangerous.