Savvy Settling In


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It's now nearly a month since Savvy arrived.

She has settled in well to her Savic Plaza 120, creating her sleeping nest and allocating her hoard store and toilet area. I'm amazed at how she knows exactly what to do with resources! She's chosen the most hygienic house for her hoard, which she organises and sorts through regularly. She seems very excited by small pieces of kitchen towel - she runs immediately to her nest with them. She also really loved some millet sprays I got her.

I've constucted her a cardboard run which is attached to the cage. (She accesses this in the evening under supervision only). She comes out of her own accord and seems to really enjoy exploring the various houses / tunnels and sand. She also nibbles at the cardboard a variable amount, I suspect this varies with her oestrus cycle.

I've made a giant really useful box into a safe area for her to be when spot cleaning, with some of her bedding and a couple of tunnels.

She seems to recognise my voice as she will come to investigate whether I might have any treats when I approach and talk to her gently.

There are still improvements to be made (additional bedding, dig box with different substrate, multichamber house, probably a corner litter tray). Overall though, I think Savvy is settling in and reasonably content and I'm very glad that she isn't bar biting any more.


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She's adorable :-) It's a lovely big cage. I'm sure she'd love more bedding :-)
She's adorable :-) It's a lovely big cage. I'm sure she'd love more bedding :-)
Yes, an enormous bale of Kaytee was supposed to arrive on Wednesday. But it is now delayed by some days... When it does finally arrive I think I will fill the end with the platform to the height of the platform. Hopefully that will give her the digging and burrowing opportunities she needs.
Savvy is gorgeous, I really like the photo of her peering out of her enclosure with the door down, she has a fabulous coat colour. Sounds like she’s settling in well 😊😊
What wonderful colouring. I love her cage. How great to have really deep bedding for her. Looking forward to seeing more pics.
I'm so pleased you've started a thread for Savvy :-) I'm really looking forward to more of her progress.
Savvy is a very sweet being. She seems curious and friendly and keen to interact with her human carers. She will explore my hand when she's in her run and we are both working out how our interaction differs between a food offering (which we have down well) and developing physical contact for handling (I think we are gradually both working out that we won't hurt each other, but this is a work in progress).

Last week the bale of Clean and Cosy finally arrived and I piled as much as possible under the platform end of her cage so she can burrow properly. She didn't initially seem as interested in digging but immediately stuffed her cheeks absolutely full of the new bedding and took it to her nest - just as she does with bits of torn up kitchen towel. 20241211_214325.jpg20241211_213539.jpg20241211_215110.jpg20241209_210028.jpg20241211_202250.jpg20241209_205743.jpg
She's so gorgeous! I really love those last two photos of her meerkatting and peeping over that box :-) She looks to be really having fun.