Tips when adding photos


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Just a tip to make sure your cursor is at the end of your message before selecting the "upload" button to upload the photo :) To make sure the photo appears under your writing/post and doesn't break it up or have the photo offset to the right with the message under it. We will soon get the hang of it! (y)
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Also - if your image comes out too big or too small on the page, after inserting it, it's very very easy to resize on here. You just select to edit your post, left click on the photo and these buttons appear. Tap on the second one like a kind of cross with arrows on the end. Little dots appear at the corners of the photo - and you just drag the dots in or out to resize the photo to the size you want on the page. The edit button is only there for about 15 minutes after submitting a post, so if it's disappeared and you want it resizing, just message me :)

Resize button.jpg
very helpful as I tried to post a photo in the competition but it said it was too large.
Actually I've just tested it again and you don't even need to click on the cross. You just left click on the photo (when you're in edit mode) and drag the corners with your mouse to resize the photo. Main issue might be that edit mode only appears for about 15 minutes after posting so if you want to resize it later you'll have to ask me! Which is fine.
Trying now but can’t see the edit button!
While I am typing a comment on the photo and trying to upload and being told image it too large, the report and edit options don’t appear as the attach files button is still in place.
the message about size comes up below that with only the delete dustbin next to it.
Trying now but can’t see the edit button!
Hmm. Beryl mentioned that as well. After you hit "post reply" to submit the post does it appear?
Bottom left - report and edit? If not I need to check I've set the permissions.
I could not see an edit button either. I uploaded my pictures by converting them through a site called postimages.
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It's definitely set in permissions for members to edit their own posts - with a time limit of 15 minutes. So if it's over 15 minutes after you hit post reply, the option to edit will disappear, and it won't be there until after you've hit "post reply".

So it's saying a photo is too large Coco? I haven't come across that yet!
I just posted the post above and can see Report and Edit bottom left under the post/photo. It should be there for you? Like below. However the edit button only stays there for 15 minutes.
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Any luck?! It's only after you've finished posting and clicked "post reply" bottom right, that the "edit" option shows.

If it's saying it's too large to upload before you can post reply then I'm guessing it's a particularly large file - I'll check what the limits are.
So "resizing" on the page is not the same as "resizing" the file size!
Oh my mistake. I only took the photo on my phone but the file size is too large. Sorry for the muddle.
I just tried loading a 7mb photo (large file size) and it does say the uploaded file is too large. So there is clearly a limit! I'll find out what the limit for file size is. Once uploaded you can still "resize" a photo on the page by dragging the corners :)
Oh my mistake. I only took the photo on my phone but the file size is too large. Sorry for the muddle.
No problem - it's helpful the issue has been raised. Full size photos are clearly too big a file size so they will need shrinking to a smaller file size.
I'd suggest resizing photos to 700 pixels wide or 20% of the original file size.
So if the photo file size is too big to upload then you won't see the edit button because you haven't posted the reply :-) To get rid of it if it says too large to upload, then yes just click the waste bin above the photo box.
Ok - maximum file size for uploading is 1024kb (which is just over 1mb) :) . So some photos you will need to resize before uploading! Sorry! It'll be to do with server limits.
Thanks for clearing that up.