Wound and hair loss on head

Great to know it has all healed up and you found the issue and solved it! Ongoing I'd give him a pinch of brown linseeds every day - as an extra on a separate dish - as well as his usual food. They are amazing for healthy fur condition and fur growth. They also help bald patches grow back when hair is thinning :)
Cage set up can need looking at sometimes - especially as they got older. They can start to get weaker back legs and then find they don’t climb in and out of things so well or can fall. I’m not sure how old he is but once they get near age two, it can be a good idea to remove levels and just have more items at floor level - if you have a decent amount of floorspace. Even if he isn’t that old, it’s best to not have levels that are too high - because they do jump off sometimes! Or fall off. Main thing is have plenty of deep substrate to cushion any falls and make sure there’s nothing hard to land on or bash themselves against - which it seems you’ve sorted now with the tweaks :-)