A week in the life of me and the animals!

Thankyou, 2 hours she's been waiting for her medication so she can leave! Our friend has just picked her up now and they're on their way back (I can't drive otherwise I'd have gone, learning is still on the to do list) I've been out to water everything and found even more tomatoes and my mustard seeds have sprouted 🙂 so that's something, also 4 of my onions are looking like they're going to sprout.

I had a sit by the lavender to watch the bees as well, nice and calming with the sounds of the birds!

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Can't beat home grown tomatoes fresh from the vine / plant 👍🙂
Day 5!

Today was clean out day for the piggies. So, everyone had nice clean cages to enjoy their veggies in.


I was meant to go for a run tonight, but I have a race tomorrow evening so instead I went for a walk along the canal with a friend from the athletics club. It was lovely out, there's been a lot of flies and mosquitoes lately but there were a lot less than there has been which made it much more pleasant.


And now that I'm home and have had dinner, I'm relaxing in the garden listening to the birds watching the pretty clouds floating by 😀

The piggies all look so happy eating their fresh veg 🙂 great photos of them.

What a beautiful walk too, lovely for summer solstice day.
So sorry its late! 🤣

Day 6

I've spent today getting ready for a race, I try to run a couple times a week, next week I have another half marathon, this was just a 10km, but it was a challenging course, lots of hills, a stream...flies! It was a very pretty route though. I would have taken more pictures but I ended up getting some sort of fly in my eye which felt like I'd been punched, so I couldn't really see very well 😅

Thankyou! It's much better now, I've flushed it out now I'm home. I figured since this was a picture thread while I'm putting things away, here's my little collection of medals over the last couple of years. One of the only reasons I put myself through it 🤣 apart from the amazing friends and community.

Thankyou! I had an awful night I won't lie 😅 I shouldn't have done a sprint finish but I just wanted it to be over with how sore my eye was, I have felt rather sick ever since. Luckily my eye is fine today!

Day 7!

Today involved feeding some of my amphibian pets, I have others who did not want to cooperate, Pancake my ornate horned frog and Casper and Darwin my dwarf axolotls, dwarfs are very squished and stunted, and can be quite special needs. I'll put some older pictures of them if I can find some.

But all of my salamanders were more than happy to sit for pictures!

This is Spyro and Yoshi my spotted salamanders.


This is Splat my Solling lined Fire salamander, a very pretty subspecies of fire salamander found in a specific area in Germany, although all of these guys are captive bred in the UK. Splat has a mass under his chest that sometimes causes him to fall over, this will need to be surgically removed if it ever begins to impact his quality of life.


And lastly Franklin, who is an Eastern Tiger salamander.
