A week in the life of my animals - March

Night 5

Dear hoomans of da inter webs,

I no believe how much my hoom write about me without me knowing, 'ow rude! Not only that, but missing all of the facts of day to day life of a busy ham like me. How can you hav a week in the life without mention it. Well me may as well do it properly myself.

Henlo, am Ares, not 'fluff ball', 'squish' or whatever hoom call me. Am hecking smol and run fast. My 8 neighbour are huge stupid ham. Make noise during the day when me sleep. Where do I do a formal complain?

When I wake up for my snack, I heard stupid hamster make more noise. Hoom was giving them 'food' but it was bedding really, I don't know how hoom fool them. Hay for sleeping on, not eating! Hoom said that they need to be careful burrowing in this so they don't poke their peepers. I can't believe they no close peepers when burrowing!

After I nom on snack, I go back to bed, only to be rudely wake by noisy neighbour again. Humph. Suppose it's a better time. I start my evening off with nom. Got to find it first. I burrow face into cloud and find wormy. Much yum oh and sumflower. Monch on tasty brush then hav a wash. Now I do a nyoom on treadmill. I like treadmill. I like to zoom so fast, then stop and let treadmill make me do a fly. Then it time for a bath. Gotta go in coconut, don't want hoom watching, dat gross.

Time for more nom and do I see....the holy gold seed!? Gotta go hoom of interwebs, got some serwious nomming to do.

Squeak soon!


P.S. just gotta work out how to do selfie.
Hello Ares - good to hear from you and how your day goes.
Love your selfie and glad you worked it out before the hoom came along and spoilt things.
Hello Ares, how wonderful to hear of your day from your own hamstering thoughts, very well written and lots of nom noming, we all like that, you be careful on that wheel though when you go flying. Have fun 😃
Day 6

Ares hasn't been very active today, probably tired from yesterday's adventure and the brainpower needed to write has him zonked. Such a hard life being an educated hamster. 😂

Pigs are doing well, unfortunately they're unhappy that they've got the 'cheap' hay and not eating as much as usual. Their usual hay will be here in the next few days so hopefully that'll cheer them up.

Had workmen in today and the piggies promptly sang them the song of their people...every time they walked into the room or even near the room.

Chief wheeker Po was very confused that a 6ft bag opener dared to enter the room without even an offering of food, not once or twice but the whole 4hrs they were here. I bet they were glad to leave!

I've been busy clearing the veggie patch ready for the year. Going to get some well rotted manure in the next week or so and try and dig it over but will probably ask a neighbour to help when they've got time.

A quick before

and after of the veg patch

Last year we didn't manage to grow much as the heatwave scorched the lot. At one point it was reading 45°C in the shade. The year before was better though; I didn't need to buy any veg for the pigs from June - early November. Then hamster, Mania, had some too.

Everything tastes so different when you grow it yourself. I've started off some peppers and tomatoes on the windowsill as they take a while to germinate. Once they're big enough to transplant into a pot it should be warm enough for them to go out and harden off. I still have no idea what else I'm growing this year. Got plenty of seeds so that's not an issue; just need to go through them. Anyone else busy in the garden?
Had to laugh at the piggies singing to the workmen!
The veg patch looks very promising, nice little plot there so I hope the weather is a bit more favourable this year & you get some lovely crops.
It’s still quite cold here & very, very wet so I haven’t ventured out into the garden yet.
I also laughed at the singing piggies! Veg patch looks great. I haven't done anything outside this year yet because terrible weather. I don't do much gardening these days anyway. I did have a go at growing veg a couple of years ago and got some nice carrots and beetroot - other things failed. But I'm really not organised enough to regularly check things at the right time, for growing veg with other things going on in life - whereas bulbs and shrubs sort themselves out mostly!
Day 7

Final day, that would have been posted sooner if it wasn't for the internet.

It wasn't a very interesting day, a lot of mundane takes like water, food and spot cleaning for all the furries. I added some small seeds and bits from his mix to pinecones around the cage. A boredom breaker he loves and something he always checks when he gets up. I don't refill them everyday as I don't want it to become boring for him, so I find various ways and places to hide food for him to forage as well as have some in a bowl.

I've got a lot of achy joints at the moment so having a rest from a lot of things. Here's Ares attacking his pinecone.

I hope you enjoyed the week in the life of my animals, sorry I couldn't post more. My not very busy week got busy 😅 Maybe I'll do another one in the future, it'll be interesting to see if anything is different.

Edit: the hemp mat finally came so I'll finish of the moss hide. If it turns out well, I'll add it to the DIY section.
He’s really loving finding those seeds! Very energetically. It’s been great Riven - a really lovely thread. Thank you for all the great photos of the Piggies and Ares!
I hope your joints settle down soon.
What a fantastic idea to put seeds in Ares pinecone. I am going to try this as Orko does not touch his. I have really enjoyed reading your week. It may seem a bit boring to you as you do these things daily but to me it was a very interesting read.

Sorry you are in pain. I hope tomorrow is a better day.
Great video of Ares. The way he raced up that bridge to get to the pine cone made me laugh.
Thank you for an interesting week with your animals and hope that your joints will ease up soon.