A week in the life of my hamsters - February

Day 7 and last day:

My spirits are a little dampened so this last day may be a short one or maybe not. See how we go.

Lilly has been out on her foraging mission and here she is in her taxi. The taxi used to belong to Percy who loved to fly in it with us making aeroplane noises. Lilly does not want an accompanying soundtrack, she just wants to reach her destination as quickly as possible.

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It's easier for us to get Lilly out of her cage in the taxi because she's so impatient when she wants out.
I carry her in my hands to put her back in and she sits there without moving because she wants to go home then. She's a typical female dwarf. Things have to happen on her terms.
I feel so lucky with our six hamsters. They are all so lovely and have different personalities.
You are so wonderful with your hamsters. I love the way you let them do what they want and you never push them to interact or come out. You always let them lead you.
Didn't see that much of the boys last night. Clive has slowed down since Jack has been less active. Clive had a good tidy up and chucked his poops out his house door. He was out freeroaming but only once and then he went back into his house.
Eddie sounds happy, it’s interesting how they can reflect each others behaviour the way Clive is doing with Jack being less active. They all sound like very content hams.
Jack asked to come out last night and had a walk around, did some foraging and spent time with me. I'm at this stage now with Jack where i try to spend as much time as possible with him. Not necessarily interacting physically. This morning i just sat by his cage and watched him sleep. His face was near the entrance of his house.
I become quite reflective then and he woke, yawned and got up for a little porridge. I was quiet but maybe he sensed my presence or smelt the porridge which is more likely.
He looks thinner and he is slow, sleeping a lot. I still don't feel that the vet could do anything for him.
I really think that Jack is older than i was told and that he's winding down.
Had a chat with my OH about Jack last night and sought his opinion. He also thinks that Jack is slowly heading for the exit and that a vet couldn't do anything for him at this point.
Jack's ears are still up and he's still very mobile but he is starting to fade, sadly.
I imagine we can never be sure of our hamsters ages when they are rescued. Jack sounds very content and is eating well. I know it is very sad to see them fading and my heart goes out to you.
It is a sad time when they begin to show signs of age like Jack is now, for what it’s worth I think you’re exactly right about the vet & he’s best ending his days content & peaceful at home, I do hope you still have a fair bit of time together yet though.
I tend to do similar things as they get old, just sit & talk to them or sit quietly by the cage & I’m sure they sense the love of closer contact without needing to interact if they don’t feel like it.
Just been to the petshed down the road for more millet. I haven't had the light coloured millet on the right before but the contents of the Rosewood Pick n' Fly varies which isn't a bad thing. They need to go in the freezer when i get home.

That is so lovely to see Lilly in the mug :-) It's hard seeing Jack slowly fading but good that his ears are up. And Eddie is definitely the winner for the most sand chucked!
Lilly is so reckless. Normally she steps onto her carrot house and from there onto a cork step when she comes down from her loft.....unless its feeding time.
She literally jumps down from the loft onto the shelf! I hear this "plop" and next thing she's by her food bowl.
She's tucking into a bit of boiled egg tonight with cucumber on the side.
