Blossom 🌸

I was watching her play last night as I was getting ready for bed…I ended up watching her for about an hour in the end and ended up going to bed late lol. It was lovely seeing her enjoying her enclosure. She loves her new dig box, and kept going back to forage, and also gnaw on the cardboard. She had a dig under her platform too. She’s beginning to use her wheel a little bit more too. She kept coming to the front bars too to ‘chat’ which was so cute. So lovely to see her happy and having a lovely time ☺️🥰😍
I might take it down for her tho as she hasn’t actually touched it, surprisingly. I’m guessing if I just lay it on her platform it will disappear in a flash lol ⚡
I’ve just spot cleaned Miss B…
- Put a new corner toilet in her enclosure…I rubbed some soiled bedding round it to scent it, then put in a little clean bedding
- Laid her egg box snake down on her platform
- Put a new dig box in her play box
We’ll see how she gets on with the new additions 👍🤞
Oh, I also got a bag of Science Selective delivered just as I was cleaning her out, so will be adding a couple of bits to her muesli mix every day 👍
Which mix are you feeding her? Usually a mix is complete and would not really need the addition of pellets.
Which mix are you feeding her? Usually a mix is complete and would not really need the addition of pellets.
I’d read that most muesli mixes don’t contain enough protein and need topping up with either science selective or other protein sources. The one I have is the one from the pet shop where I got her, so probably not the best, but using it up for now.
I’d read that most muesli mixes don’t contain enough protein and need topping up with either science selective or other protein sources. The one I have is the one from the pet shop where I got her, so probably not the best, but using it up for now.
I think it depends on the mix. Please feel free to ask any questions you have on here. It can be so difficult to know what information online is correct and I have found it helps me to ask on here. :)

Some hamsters prefer other protein sources such as mealworms, egg, a bit of chicken etc but hopefully Blossom will enjoy the pellets. :)

Just linking this article on seed mix for you.
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I think it depends on the mix. Please feel free to ask any questions you have on here. It can be so difficult to know what information online is correct and I have found it helps me to ask on here. :)

Some hamsters prefer other protein sources such as mealworms, egg, a bit of chicken etc but hopefully Blossom will enjoy the pellets. :)

Just linking this article on seed mix for you.
I thought pellets would be the simplest/most consistent way of adding protein really…she pouched them quickly enough lol
I’d read that most muesli mixes don’t contain enough protein and need topping up with either science selective or other protein sources. The one I have is the one from the pet shop where I got her, so probably not the best, but using it up for now.
Do you know what the protein content of your mix is? It should be on the bag if you still have it.

Science selective does have a good level of protein but that will only mean that the pellets she eats have sufficient protein in not her whole diet if that makes sense so it’s best to use something like chicken, dried or cooked white meat, tofu, egg or mealworms.
I think it was me that suggested adding a few science selective pellets to a muesli mix if the protein was a bit low :) As a simple and inexpensive way of ensuring they get everything needed. If it’s not possible to supplement easily.