Blossom 🌸

We are going away next week for a few days. My next door neighbour is going to pop in every evening to feed Miss B and check on her, and came round this morning to get acquainted. She used to look after my previous hamsters when I went away so she is well able to look after Miss B. I wish I could take her with me, but I know it would be much less disruptive for her to stay at home 😔😏
Aww…Blossom is such a clever l’il girl! I fed her, and she came out, foraged, pouched and took her stash back to her larder as usual. A bit later she came out again to the front of her cage squeaking to get my attention. I thought she might want to come out and go in her play box so got her out. She went in her play box and started pouching bedding. She then went in her tunnel, which is how I transport her from cage to play box, and wanted to go back to her nest to add it to her bed. She then got back in her tunnel to go in her play box again, pouched more bedding, then back in her tunnel again to tell me to put her back in her cage, then headed straight for her nest to make her bed. So clever, and so cute 🥰
Blossom has been out early for the second night in a row, so had a little play in her play box. She especially loved her dig box, and she also climbed out of the box onto my lap 3 times 😊