Blossom 🌸

Blossom has been out in her play box for the first time since I added some bits to her cage a couple of weeks ago. She’s been very quiet and settled. I got her out this evening as she was trying to chew and move her corner ceramic toilet 😏 She’s much less crazy this evening than when she has been on heat before. Back in her cage now, she is currently having a dig under her lower platform. I can hear her munching on a dried banana leaf under there ☺️
Blossom has been out in her play box for the first time since I added some bits to her cage a couple of weeks ago. She’s been very quiet and settled. I got her out this evening as she was trying to chew and move her corner ceramic toilet 😏 She’s much less crazy this evening than when she has been on heat before. Back in her cage now, she is currently having a dig under her lower platform. I can hear her munching on a dried banana leaf under there ☺️
It's a lovely sound when you hear that!
Blossom managed to score a goal this evening!! There was a peanut inside her cardboard treat ball. As she nudged the ball with her nose to get the peanut out, it rolled down the ramp and into her hyacinth basket ! Goal!!
I read somewhere that Robos are more active on nights when the moon is full. I wonder if Syrians are also sensitive to the moon.
I haven't heard that one before :-)
Apparently it's a thing - the moon can affect animal cirdadian rhythms.