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Almost two weeks and Blue is settling in nicely. When the house is quiet he will peek out of his multi room hide. He spends a lot of time working on his tunnels and burrows. I’ve had the opportunity to “handle” him one time. Scooping him up with a large mug and placing him in a homemade maze/play pen (made it w my 5yo! I owe pictures)
I haven’t seen him use the sand bath other than scurry across it. As I do a quick review of his evenings from my recording on the ham cam. (Got a Wyze cam—thanks for the recommend! Great resolution). Bracing myself for the first spot clean this week! I did clean his wheel last week as it was quite filthy, but everything else looks tidy.

He sounds very happy & is settling in well, lovely to hear he’s enjoying his burrowing.
It is unusual for a Russian not to love the sand, what kind of sand bath do you have they sometimes like something that is partially covered & big enough to have a good roll in.
He sounds very happy & is settling in well, lovely to hear he’s enjoying his burrowing.
It is unusual for a Russian not to love the sand, what kind of sand bath do you have they sometimes like something that is partially covered & big enough to have a good roll in.
I should probably get a new sand bath. I just used a baking dish that’s about 4”x8” it’s not covered but I put it under the platform thinking that might be sufficient.
If anyone has a recommended sand bath, please let me know!
You could just get a bigger baking dish or something from the dollar store. It does not have to be anything special. I find they like it if there is a hide in their sand bath. You could also pop a cork log over it for cover.
Your sand bath sounds ok & having it under the shelf should be cover enough but you could try something a bit bigger & as Rainbow said something like a cork log over it would be nice for him too.
It might just take him some time to begin using it as he’s still settling in really.
Under a platform is covered :) If it's any consolation, my dwarf hamster is the same - just runs through her sand bath! Doesn't seem interested at all. Maybe when they are young and whizzy they are still learning things and not so interested.
Blue napping in plain sight.
Slow going with the taming—fed him a few seeds through cage bars today. Seems to be getting more comfortable and, wow, I wish I could peek into the labyrinth he has going on under the surface because he turned out a huge amount of bedding today! All turfed into the sand bath 😂
Aww that is such a gorgeous photo!
It sounds as though he’s having a lot of fun enjoying his cage.
It’s hard when taming goes slow to begin with but I’m sure he’ll get more used to you soon & all the patience will pay off.
Beautiful photo :) I know what you mean - I found a big pile of substrate and a hole in it and am wondering what is going on underground!
Kids got a morning visit with Blue today which was very exciting for them! They caught him digging for his favourite in his food dish. Left quite the mess for me to tidy! He seems to be going to bed later, around 6:30, and a little less shy w all the noisy chaos of a house with 3 and 5 year old boys.
Aw I bet they were really happy to see him :-) Yes they like making a mess ha ha. It sounds like he's gaining in confidence.