

The stuff from Metchosin farm came in, and here’s a shot of Blue enjoying his new tasty twigs and spray. The products are high quality and delivered quickly. They also freeze the products before shipping to ensure bugs are killed.

A few more pics of the new spray that’s gone up over the past few days.



The sprays look great in Blue’s cage, that’s really good that they freeze them too, it’s really frustrating when you get something new for them you can’t wait to give them then it has to go in the freezer for a week!
Lovely photo of him with his twigs too 😍
Great to hear you’ve had some bonding time with him, he really is coming on so well now.
The sprays look great in Blue’s cage, that’s really good that they freeze them too, it’s really frustrating when you get something new for them you can’t wait to give them then it has to go in the freezer for a week!
Lovely photo of him with his twigs too 😍
Great to hear you’ve had some bonding time with him, he really is coming on so well now.
Yea when @RainbowBrite mentioned being sure to freeze the items first, I messaged the shop owner and asked about that. They assured me they do it on their end. I was so pleased. And now learning of @Maz moth troubles and reading the thread on freezing and baking off items…. I just pray everything I’ve put in there without doing either are ok 😬 this new hamster mum is learning !
I’m sure everything will be ok, if there are any moth eggs or anything they make themselves known pretty quick!
Most of us didn’t freeze things years ago but it’s best to play it safe once you know.
What an adorable picture of Blue enjoying his new toy! The sprays look lovely in his cage. I am really impressed the company freeze the sprays themselves. That saves so much time.

How exciting the bonding is progressing with Blue. :)
Yea when @RainbowBrite mentioned being sure to freeze the items first, I messaged the shop owner and asked about that. They assured me they do it on their end. I was so pleased. And now learning of @Maz moth troubles and reading the thread on freezing and baking off items…. I just pray everything I’ve put in there without doing either are ok 😬 this new hamster mum is learning !
Don't worry :-) It's only because I'm grounded with a torn muscle that I've been stressing about it! If not I'd have had it all nipped in the bud in a day :) It also helps not to leave food on a shelf next to a hot radiator for a few days, which was silly of me. I've never heard anyone having any issues with sprays and they've been frozen already, which is good. It is almost always the actual hamster food when these things happen. I also went a long time without freezing anything with no issues.
So Blue has been burrowing away under his multi chamber hide and now it’s got a major slant to one side. I do have his wheel on there and his water bowl. Any advice? His toilet is due for a cleaning, so I’ll be peeking in there tomorrow.
Is his house just sitting on the substrate or is it on legs?
It’s usually best to add legs, usually just dowels glued onto the base to keep it above the substrate & spport the weight of it.
If you haven’t done that then it would be ok to just life it up & straighten it up again, things do get tipped up when they burrow under tham all the time.
If it’s a wood multiroom house then it would be a good idea to attach some legs/stilts :). Just to avoid the risk of a hamster being squashed by the weight of the house if they dig under it a lot. That probably isn’t that likely but it does help keep the house in place.

I sometimes just attach three legs due to the curved base - two at the front - not near the edges due to the curved cage base - and one at one side - the side away from the curved cage base.

I think there’s a photo of that on here somewhere. You can just use 8mm dowels which are really easy to cut to size. The tricky bit can be working out what length to cut them but if you add the height of the cage base (about 15cm) to the height of the house - it means the house would sit on 15cm substrate or be partly submerged with 20cm of substrate.

I glue them to the walls of the house to the top so they stay on firmly. Elmer’s wood glue is safe - although I believe there is more than one type - one of which is ok.
Here’s a photo of the legs glued to a house on this photo

Yes it is! It’s a gorgeous photo! Sorry I just rambled on about legs and forgot to mention the gorgeous photo :-). He looks so happy there.
The problem with putting legs on now is it will mean taking his house out for at least a day possibly two while you put the legs on, wait for the glue to dry then they need painting ideally so no pee soaks into the wood so you have to wait for that to dry too, as he’s still settling in really I’m not sure that’s such a good idea & it might be best to just try to level the substrate off for now & see how it goes, maybe add the legs a bit later when he’s more settled in if you need to.
Thank you @elusive and @Maz for the advice and resources on adding legs! You are correct that it is sitting directly on the substrate. Oh things I wish I knew in advance!! I’ll level out the substrate tonight while I’m in there cleaning up and start sourcing some dowels and prepping them in the meantime.