
Thanks Frida & Maz!

I have some good news. I had a bit of a panic last night about not seeing cowboy. He is reclusive, but I normally will at least hear him snacking away in his tunnel.

Now I live with my partner, I get even more worried when he hasn’t seen him. It’s like I can understand that I’ll always get worried, I’ve ran a rescue, am more aware of how short their lives are and been the unfortunate person to discover them once they’ve passed, but when he gets worried?? Then it feels a lot less like an overbearing mother.

We decided that whilst we can’t setup the cameras inside their enclosures in the middle of the night, we could place the camera outside.

And we caught him! However, I’d stupidly pressed the “alarm” button, thinking that would be my notification, NOT a burglary alarm. We had a rude awakening some time in the middle of the night, but we knew he was safe!

He also came out at 10am, but we’d both left by that point so missed him then too.

I still have some adjusting to get the perfect angle but it’s hard when the cage is so full of bedding and whatnot.

Here he is from this morning! Not sure how to upload videos (if that’s even possible) or if they have to be uploaded to a file sharing site, but in one clip he ended up snoozing in his sand bath and the other he was having a real good sand flicking bath.


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He's been caught on camera! My way of telling they're ok is if the veg is gone in the morning :-) I only worry if the veg is still there next morning.

You need to upload videos to youtube and then paste the link on here, and that embeds the video on here :-) You can set the youtube video to unlisted if you don't want it to be viewed publicly - then the video can only be seen where you paste the link.

With my camera I have to "save the videos" that have been recorded, from the app, to my phone. From the phone I can then upload them to youtube or copy them to computer and then upload them to youtube :-)
Ohh I had forgotten to mention that!!

I had also put his food & freeze dried chicken right by the water bowl. I typically do rely on that, but come 3-4am and he hasn’t come out, I did feel quite ill!

Super happy he’s coming out. I think the move has shaken him though. I do think he’s especially sensitive compared to my other hamsters I’ve had. Just makes him more loveable though reallly!
Yes it can take a couple of weeks for them to fully adjust. Mine would ignore food maybe but not fresh veg!
Nice big enclosure, totally worth it! He so fluffy, looks like a teddy bear a bit. Can't wait to see more of him
Cowboys still not super active; but I think that’s just because I’m never catching him. He’s up, eating. No wheel use, but he’s always been a lazy bugger so I don’t think that’s anything to be concerned for.

I think this is quite a big change. He has never had anywhere near the amount of bedding as to now. He was first housed in a Savic, then very very temporarily a detolf, then Marrakesh and now this.

Maybe it’s just going to take a bit more time


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I'm sure he'll settle in. Maybe he's just happy in there doing his own thing :-)
He may still be settling in but it sounds as though maybe that’s just his way & he’s happy enough as he is.
He is! I so occasionally catch him up in the day but it’s nothing like it was when I lived in England.

I’m just really glad about the cameras, otherwise I’d be scared sick every other night.
I did not realise you have left England. Which country are you in now?
Maybe you could become a supplier for the Savic Plaza 120 :cool:
Maybe you could become a supplier for the Savic Plaza 120 :cool:
Honestly I have been thinking about that myself! I think it would be amazing to have a site like that :)

More sightings of my big man, Cowboy. I’ve been quite sick the past few weeks and I believe the weeks to come, so pretty much in bed for most the day.

I’ve realised my Tapo cameras are notifying me of movement, but only sending a vibration to my phone, no banner or information that the buzz is from tapo. But sitting in my room the whole day every day has led me to realise it is the tapo cameras.

Has anyone else had this issue? I’ve got all my settings on my phone and app to correctly display notifications and I’ve rebooted the cameras but to no avail.


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