Currently available Hamster mixes

Only 1% apple isn't too bad. I'd use it as a treat mix or mix it with a bag of normal Harry Hamster.
Agree Daisy 1% apple isn't bad. But I don't think I'd be wanting to use it just from the whole kaboodle of hay as well as alfalfa and apple and undisclosed preservatives in the dried apple. It probably wouldn't do any harm as a treat mix occasionally. Feeding it to the squirrels sounds good! It's not exactly the best hamster mix - what possessed them?! When they've already got the standard harry hamster.
I’ve not seen the fruity mix but will keep a look out to ensure I don’t mistake it for the usual Tasty Mix. Hams likes The P@H original mix, he likes all the little bits in it, the Harry Hamster can be a bit chunky til I get nearer the bottom of the bag. I tend to mix them together and then hide two seeds from my Mr Johnson seed selection Mix. I give Hams a tiny piece of fresh apple every weekend, he loves it, in fact I hide it and say apple and we’re convinced he recognises the word, along with its scent, as he gets excited hunting around for it, it’s fab! It’s the same with the word peanut.
I bet he can smell the scent of the apple :) . So funny if he recognizes the words! The P@H mix really isn't great quality/constituents - it's probably not too bad if mixed with Harry Hamster but maybe you could try weaning him onto Harry Hamster only. You can give pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds as extra treats. They love those.
Yes, I do tend to always mix it together with a higher ratio of harry hamster. I can’t really explain the bits he likes, they are the tiny kinda barley looking bits he’ll sit and crunch his way most happily through them.
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Aw great photo of a squirrel! You've made me want to go out squirrel hunting now.
Is anyone familiar with this dwarf hamster mix? They do a Syrian version as well. Came across it in an aquatics shop. They also stock complete crock treats 🙂

Good find! I hadn’t heard of it. I just googled it and found the Syrian version on Amazon. Contents sound ok but the protein is only 13.2% so I wouldn’t call it “complete” for a younger Syrian. Maybe for an older one.

Ingredients list:

Dwarf hamster version ingredients in this page. Again the ingredients sound ok but protein is quite low at 13.7%.

I find it a bit concerning that it’s marketed as a complete food. Harry Hamster has the correct 18% protein. I think the packet should say protein supplements are beneficial.
Apparently mealberry is the company that produce it. It’s one of their brands. German apparently. Some Rodipet mixes are low in protein as well but they recommend protein supplement with insects.
Dwarf hamster version says this on Mealberry web page

Complete feed, which is balanced in accordance with the individual nutritional needs of dwarf hamsters and covers all requirements for nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of your pet.
It has an extra varied composition and doesn't contain sweet ingredients to prevent diabetes. The feed does not contain any sharp ingredients and consists of suitably small particle sizes.”

Then under feeding instructions it mentions protein

Feeding instructions
  • Depending on the size of the pet the daily amount of Little One dwarf hamster feed is 6-8 g.
  • Feed your dwarf hamster twice a day at the same time.
  • Make sure that your dwarf hamster has fresh water.
  • In addition to any grain feed, it's neccessary to diversify the pet's diet with fresh herbs and vegetables.
  • Please note: dwarf hamsters need to eat food containing animal protein. It should be offered no more than twice a week.”
Suggests additional animal protein but it’s not that clearly worded.