Dusty the Robo dwarf hamster.

That is so lovely to see! I always longed to be able to do that with a robo :) The way he shoots off at the end! Robos are so fast.
Even more amazing progress :) It really is time and patience isn't it?
OH yes, but I don't see him everyday. He and I may be up at the same time two or three times a week. He seems always rushing to load up with food. He does go in his sand bath and wheel sometimes. Mostly he is foraging around for food. I stopped putting food into a food dish. I now put it on top of his cork pieces in the cork dish. He seems to enjoy digging around in there for the food. And I put fresh forage materials out about once a week all over the top of his bedding. He digs around in that too. But if he is moving from one place to another it is always in high gear. LOL!
Robos are fast. One minute they're standing still, next minute you hardly see them they're so fast. I used to love watching my night videos of my robo.
Robos are fast. One minute they're standing still, next minute you hardly see them they're so fast. I used to love watching my night videos of my robo.
So does this mean syrian hamsters are not that fast?
I wouldn’t say Syrian hamsters aren’t fast - just Robos are super fast :-). Syrians can give the impression of being slower when they pootle about or sit for a stroke but they can certainly shoot off fast if they feel like it!
More Dusty videos to enjoy!
Here he tries to climb out of the cage door to me as I am taking the video. I had the cage door open to take better videos. I don't know if he wanted to come to me or he just wanted out of the cage. LOL! Thank goodness for that big solid door where he just slides back down into his cage.

This next one is of him just exploring all over his cage and me trying to keep up with following him with my camera.

Hello, my name is Connie and we live in Phoenix, AZ. We got our little guy March 20th. He is so cute. He is currently settling into his new home.
Eventually I would like to get him a larger home, but for now I think he is happy. I will try to post a picture on him. Hope I did it correctly. Thanks for
letting me join. I look forward to learning more about the care of hamsters.

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Welcome little one! 😍
Oh goodness! Dusty being a lemming :-) He really did try and get out of the door didn't he? That's why I used to have a couple of big cushions on the floor in front of my cage :ROFLMAO:
Yes, even for Socks, when his cage was on a table, I put cushions under the door in case he fell.
Yes, he seems to have no fear of falling probably because he has never fallen before. I don't know. :) In his world the door being opened probably meant his world to explore was expanding. I know they do not have good eye sight nor good depth perception. So falling is a possibility for a hamster because they can't see it coming. Eventually I want to have a play pen for him to explore. I am working on a plan for that.
Dusty has a wonderful enclosure and is clearly thoroughly enjoying it. Fantastic he’ll sit on your hand to eat some treats 😃
You and Dusty are bonding so well. I have had a number of roborovski hamsters over the years and only Maple would sit on my hand. I loved the feel of her tiny little furry feet ...
Thanks, Tulsi, Dusty seems to be obsessed with my hand in his cage now....I didn't even have my hand down low yet for him to get the treats and he was up on his back feet trying to get onto my hand....he even nipped my finger tip. I think he was trying to tell me to lower my hand faster. LOL! But I have never seen any animal so frantic to get to my hand as Dusty is when he knows I am there giving him treats for his horde. I don't know what he might do if I offer my hand empty. I don't know if he would nip me or not.
He does not seem to like to be touched yet. I have tried to lightly touch/stroke his back and he turns away quickly as soon as he feels my finger on his back.