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Fitch has gone up in price


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I just looked on the Fitch website to order some more. It was out of stock everywhere just before Christmas, but I did manage to buy a 10kg bale which was £23. It's now back in stock and much more expensive! Also they are describing it in litres rather than kg now. But they say it's equivalent to 9 or 10kg. There are only two large bales. The 115 litre one (which it says is 9 to 10kg) is not the usual fitch - it's long strands of paper. The 70 litre one at the bottom of the page (which also says it's 9 to 10kg but is more compacted) is the usual Fitch but it's £37.40! That means it's gone up about 30% since Christmas! And probably slightly less in the bag as well as I used to get the 10kg bag. That seems to be the biggest bag they do now. That's a shame as it used to work out really quite economical. It has been £23 ish for many years though, but still a big jump in price. I wonder if Kaytee Clean and Cosy actually works out cheaper now (I can't do the maths right now - if someone else wants to!).


Option A

Option B

Kaytee Clean & Cozy is cheaper.
Thank you Frida, So Kaytee clean and cosy is now cheaper than Fitch!
I was hoping to switch to Fitch but I am unsure now due to the price. What a shame it has gone up so much. I guess as they are a small company perhaps they had to increase the price due to the cost of living.
I think that must be it. This happened once before though - they put the price up a lot and then it came down again. I really do like it though. It's not as soft as Kaytee C&C but - well it's just paper and dust free so I like it. I wonder also if they are selling less due to competition and that might be a reason for the price rise too. It's only in the last few years you could actually get Kaytee C&C in the Uk.
I imagine Kaytee is used more as it is cheaper. I know in US they are not using it as much and switching to Full Cheeks due to the complaints about it being dusty. It does hold burrows amazingly well I find.
I've used the white and the natural - I found the natural a bit coarser but it was ok. White bedding does show stains up easily, it's true but I think it shows up ok on other bedding too. I had some green camouflage version of Kaytee C&C once but that had a slightly sort of inky smell. So I had to leave it to air till the smell wore off, so I wasn't keen on the coloured versions for that reason.
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Option A

Option B

Kaytee Clean & Cozy is cheaper.
There's a recent review on that Amazon link with a photo showing all the rubbish they found in their bags of Kaytee. Quite a lot of it. They still like using it but pointed it out. Some really quite large pieces of rubbish as well.

Edit - it's not their photo but they said it's the same kind of thing they've been finding as well. It doesn't look too bad if you pick the bits out - at least it looks mainly like cardboard.
It has gone up a lot! I used to buy 5x 4kg bags for around £40 and now it's £55 for 4x 4kg bags. I may have to switch to Kaytee.
Me too. It works out cheaper to get the 70 litre bale but it's still £37.40! I have ordered one of those as I've used mine up and would like to have some in as backup while I try out the Kaytee again.
That prompted me to get an extra 85l bag of Kaytee at the garden centre in case the price increases as well. It's still £22.99 here. Never had any issues with Kaytee. I wonder if the faulty Kaytee was produced during the pandemic when quality control was not what it should have been.
That prompted me to get an extra 85l bag of Kaytee at the garden centre in case the price increases as well. It's still £22.99 here. Never had any issues with Kaytee. I wonder if the faulty Kaytee was produced during the pandemic when quality control was not what it should have been.
I thought that too. It may have just been quality control during the pandemic. Although I think people do still find odd things in it these days. As long as it's nothing dangerous, and just bits of cardboard, that wouldn't worry me too much.
I’ve been using the Kaytee for quite a long time now, it’s much softer than fitch & I’ve never found it dusty or found anything odd in it that shouldn’t be there.
I was quite happy with fitch until I tried kaytee just to see how it compared & I’ve never gone back.
I use it too, I've never found anything in it. What are people finding?
The photo is on a review in this Amazon link that Frida posted above. That photo has been on the internet in a few places and the reviewer says it's a photo they found but it shows similar to the kind of things they are finding in Kaytee. It's good to hear people on here using it haven't had any issues. To be honest if I found a piece of corrugated cardboard in it, it wouldn't bother me.