Fitch has gone up in price

Just seen Rainbow's reply - I didn't realise there were pieces of plastic as well. Substrate seems to go in trends - as soon as one gets really popular there start to be issues with it! The same thing happened with Fitch a few years ago - it was one of the most popular substrates but then some people got the odd batch that was not as white and a bit coarser and went off it. To be fair the manufacturers do say it depends what they've been recycling as to what colour it will be. It's still usable though! I always think it's always softer than wood even if not as soft as usual!
I’m a bit dubious when I see a shared photo in a review, I think quite a lot of us on here use it & no one seems to have had any problems, they may have been a bad batch somewhere along the line maybe but I’m not so sure it’s an issue.
I use Kaytee but it was me who unfortunately found a rather large piece of tin can in a bag. (The photo on Amazon shows rather a lot of pieces!). The bag I brought had so many hard and sharpish pieces in it like the paper has not dried and formed into hard balls? and then I found the sharp piece.

I persevered at the time whilst waiting for a new bag to arrive and literally checked every piece in sections into a separate bag so I knew I had spare that was safe to use at anytime if that makes sense. I emailed Kaytee and they were very good, asking for batch numbers, photos, purchase date, receipt etc. I was shocked as I do believe Hams could’ve been hurt by it and I was just lucky to find it. It hasn’t put me off buying another bag, I’m just very thorough checking it as it goes in. (I’ll see if I can find the photo)

These are the photos I took. Should've measured it against a 50p as it was larger than that. It was just very sharp 😢

I guess it all comes from recycled paper so you may well get the odd item show up. I'd just say keep vigilant regardless of which product you're using. This particular bag just seemed rather substandard in general. The two other bags I've had have been perfectly fine 👍
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These are the photos I took. Should've measured it against a 50p as it was larger than that. It was just very sharp 😢

I guess it all comes from recycled paper so you may well get the odd item show up. I'd just say keep vigilant regardless of which product you're using. This particular bag just seemed rather substandard in general. The two other bags I've had have been perfectly fine 👍
I remember when you found this. It was very scary. Thankfully you saw it before you put it in Hams cage.
That is really bad. I know some places on the internet they have been telling people to stop using Kaytee because of things like this. It is a very popular bedding though. Maybe I'll just pay extra for the Fitch then! I shouldn't need any for ages now Raffy's cage is chock full of it! Pip's will be the next cage for a half clean but a new bag of Fitch should last me many months with just spot cleaning and half cleans.
I remember that photo of the piece of metal. That was shocking and not acceptable.

Kaytee needs to be broken up and fluffed up before it goes into a cage so it goes through our hands and anything that shouldn't be there would get noticed. I use one of those big gardening baskets for that purpose and fluff it all up in there first before using it.
The garden tub is such a good idea Beryl 👍, I’ve just been using a large tray to separate it all and then placing it in a different bag, but using one of those garden tubs would work much better as I’m always dropping it everywhere.
When I first filled up Orko's cage I poured the whole bags in and then broke them up in the cage. I could have easily missed something like this which is worrying.
I'm not sure what's meant by garden tubs?
Thank you. Now I'd think of that as a washing basked lol! What are they used for in the garden?
Thank you. Now I'd think of that as a washing basked lol! What are they used for in the garden?
I use them to carry leaves etc from garden to green bin. I keep a clean one indoors under the stairs for the Kaytee. I also use it when i need to remove substrate (Finley ended up in it once with the substrate) during a cage clean.
Your washing basket looks ideal and folds away.
They sound good :-) Better than my bin bags which get used for garden rubbish! The washing basket is actually too big - it's annoying. It doesn't actually get used as a washing basket any more. But handy for putting hamster bedding in perhaps.
I use the same as Beryl, those are useful for cage cleaning too, you do have to really fluff up all the Kaytee & I think it would be hard to miss anything that shouldn’t be in there.