
Henry's Christmas gifts arrived, a little late but I'm sure he will love munching on flax again. Came with some stickers and an extra bag of treats

Took a peek, nice shop, they have a great four way tunnel junction which could solve our cornering issues on the mouse track, thank you! Lucky Henry, that looks delicious!
Nothing like flax hunts to get back into a hamster's good graces. Henry is loving it, and he asked for short adventure last night. Only a few minutes, but he was super talkative and zoomed right under my pillow for snuggles.

Castle Flax
Flax Hunt
Table Manners
He has a sweet little face and lovely fur. So nice that he talks to you as his friend ❤️
I feel like a million dollars with how friendly Henry has been this week, he's looking and chirping for me earlier than his usual breakfast time. Here he is having it, hard to believe he's fully grown
