
Henry has been a busy builder all week, I haven't seen much of him other than yesterday. I failed in getting adventure footage, he was super talkative and clingy. Otherwise, his enclosure has new peaks and valleys. Plus he loves his log so much there's now a big burrow and second tunnel under it. Hamsters really do love having extra options.

He loves the log so much it needed an underpass:
New Log Move

Here he is digging by the half log, and pouching some bedding:
Busy Builder
Henry has been a busy builder all week, I haven't seen much of him other than yesterday. I failed in getting adventure footage, he was super talkative and clingy. Otherwise, his enclosure has new peaks and valleys. Plus he loves his log so much there's now a big burrow and second tunnel under it. Hamsters really do love having extra options.

He loves the log so much it needed an underpass:
New Log Move

Here he is digging by the half log, and pouching some bedding:
Busy Builder
He has skillful paws! Great that he is enjoying designing his home!
Henry went from solitary building, to wanting tons of couch and adventure time the past few days. He set the record for longest adventure out of the hams I've had, 3 hours in my room last night.

Offered his taxi a number of times, but he just had a ball exploring & using the 2nd wheel. He also uses the Niteangel hide now, this second space was a great idea. He had a little tumble though. I just moved the wheel away from the platform, the wire feet of the wheel keep it from being close enough.

Aww bless him falling off his platform! It didn’t look as though he had far to fall though.
He’s certainly make up for lost time with his long adventure.
Aww, what wonderful videos! It really is so sweet the way he is happy when you are home and rushes to greet you. I loved seeing his little legs sorting out his bedding too. :)
Aww, what wonderful videos! It really is so sweet the way he is happy when you are home and rushes to greet you. I loved seeing his little legs sorting out his bedding too. :)

Good to see you again, hope you're feeling better! He continues to have a ball spending together time in my room. Last night gave me some good morning kisses and asked for another adventure.

He went for another hour, a few times he was undecided if he wanted more or to go home. Was funny trying to taxi him, then Henry went right back for the wheel & hide.
Good to see you again, hope you're feeling better! He continues to have a ball spending together time in my room. Last night gave me some good morning kisses and asked for another adventure.

He went for another hour, a few times he was undecided if he wanted more or to go home. Was funny trying to taxi him, then Henry went right back for the wheel & hide.
Aw, thank you. :)

Henry is so affectionate and your bond always makes me smile. It really is so precious.
Some overdue pictures of Henry's adventures. He continues to demand together time in my bedroom, and will probably be here for a few hours.

He's loving the Niteangel hide. I also moved his wheel away from the platform, it's funny watching him figure it that out. Tons of time on the wheel, then when his attention span is done he explores another platform.

This, for Hours

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