I have a Savic Plaza 120

Well he may need a few days to adjust but hopefully the change won’t be that big if the layout is the same as before plus some extras.
Which I have missed! It was 3 days ago (23rd April) so belated happy gotcha day Raffy. The original intention was to have it set up for his gotcha day but never mind.
Shelf is now cut to size - new screw holes in the cut end, corners cut off and sanded. Slow progress today. I am fitting this in between various other things. But setting up and moving day should be over the week end hopefully. Once I’ve done some furniture rearranging!

It is big! That's what makes me realise how much deeper the cage is. It's 25cm deep, the same as the one in the current Plaza 100 - but a good bit longer. Surprisingly it doesn't look that deep once it's in the cage (or that's what I find in the Plaza 100 anyway).

I like them. They're nice and solid and will last a long time. I have two others - in each Plaza 100 cage. And just clean them and plastikote them between hamsters. I sometimes don't even plastikote them if I'm putting hemp mat on top.

So the shelf has been cut to 58.3 cm (my internal measurement was 58.5 cm so it's to ensure it's not too tight.
Bit by bit. Today was hassly stuff. Taking everything out of a cupboard so it could be shifted into the other room - leading to sorting out a few things in the cupboard and making a big mess. And trying to work out the logistics of swapping the cupboards over and swapping the cages over. Decided it was easier to swap the furniture first. This meant lifting Raffy's cage onto the sofa while swapping the cupboards round. Which meant getting Raffy out first and putting him in the downstairs bedroom - which meant waking him up earlier than usual (11pm!) so OH could help me lift the cage before bedtime. The difficult bit was waking Raffy up! He just wanted to go back to sleep. It took me about 15 minutes to finally coax him into a tube with a bit of Apple in then taking him into the downstairs bedroom while we moved his cage, swapped the furniture around and put the cage back again.

The idea being that when I come to set up the new cage I can dismantle the old one first and move it. Put the new one on the already replaced cupboard, and set it up in situ.

I felt a bit mean leaving Raffy in the downstairs bedroom half asleep but had put his wheel and saucer in there. When I went to have a look after everything was sorted he was quite perky and running on his saucer. I might need a day off before doing the next bit!
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Sounds like a very busy day, I think you deserve a day off after all that! It does sound as though it’s coming together though & Raffy wasn’t too put out by being woken up.
I am really enjoying this thread and reading about everything step by step.

Sounds like Raffy had a lot of fun in the bathroom. 🙂
It was a bedroom :) It's a very secure room and not very large. It's just like a large playpen. The only thing he is interested in is the bottom drawer in a small unit that has treats in! Bathrooms can be quite risky places - depending on the bathroom - there are often holes in the floor where pipes go down.
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It is a lot of work setting up a new cage. At least you are organized and have a plan.
Enjoy your day off.
Yes it's a relief having the right cupboard under the cage. I could have set up the cage and then swapped the cupboards but then I would have to move the new cage, fully set up, when it would be much easier to move it to the right location in pieces and set it up there (I think!).

On moving day Raffy will be in the pet carrier in a quiet room, as he'll need to sleep during the day.
It is a lot of work setting up a new cage. At least you are organized and have a plan.
Enjoy your day off.
Yes because it is so large it does need a bit of organisation. It occurred to me that if someone lived alone they would only be able to build and set up the cage in situ and then not move it - unless dismantling it. It takes two people to lift and move a set up 100cm cage, never mind a much bigger one.
As you may have guessed I’ve been busy all day setting the cage up. It’s been a mammoth engineering project lol! I started at 2.30pm and finished at 9.30pm tonight and made an almighty mess.

Partly why it took so long was sorting the Perspex panels which all had film both sides that was tricky to remove, plus dropping the odd wing nut and losing it in the bedding. Took me half an hour to find it.

Anyway it’s all done. His coconut is not back in there as he had peed in it so I’ve scrubbed it out with a toothbrush and it’s still wet.

It doesn’t look a lot different to before - deliberately - so it’s all still familiar. You can see the extra depth as there is a whole new 7” deep shelf at the back behind his house. There’s also a new platform in front of the main shelf and his large birch log from the playpen is in there.

Anyway I have lots of photos and will post more tomorrow but am pooped right now! Raffy is still asleep in the pet carrier so when he goes in the cage I’ll do a video.

A quick snap of it all finished - apart from his coconut hut. I've taken the hyacinth tunnel out again as he liked to run across that bit to the cork log.



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I discovered the flaw in the plan to have the cage in situ before setting up :ROFLMAO:. Meant I couldn't take advantage of the top door when fixing things round the back. To be honest I'm so used to have the front door only it didn't really bother me. Had to have a hand to screw a shelf to the back though.