I have a Savic Plaza 120

Raffy loves it although is slightly surprised at times. The layout is identical with just the odd change at the back left and the longer tube plus a couple of extra items. At first he just went in - foraged for his food as usual and went to bed. It was as if he hadn't noticed anything different. Then he came out and explored a bit. Looked very surprised to see a load of extra substrate at the end of his cork tunnel. He wasn't impressed with the red millet leaning over the shelf and tried to push it away. Oops. That's his wash spot on that shelf and it was invading his space. I've moved it a bit now. He has used all the new bits now - the longer tunnel without the second sputnik works much better - he can just run straight into it off the back shelf. Anyway he likes it and keeps sitting up and looking at me sort of suprised but happy too. It must be confusing as it looks identical in places but clearly the bars smell different - he did a lot of sniffing of the bars and some scent marking.
He really loves the new platform and runs about a lot between the log, the main shelf and the platform then hops on his rainbow bridge. The new platform has been designated a stretching platform :) Just the right length for a good stretch.

Only thing I find strange is I can't see him in his wheel as easily past all that bedding and the new platform. I can just see his little head when he stands up in his wheel.

He is really not sure about the sprays - they seem to annoy him! There aren't that many. Oh and he threw a peanut in it's shell into the corner for some reason. Obviously he didn't like it being on his house roof.

The coloured ramp and small shelf work much better now there is more depth - more room at the bottom of the ramp and it's shallower. Also he used the top entrance hole on the house for the first time ever! Maybe because it now has a shelf over it.

I did do a video of him exploring the cage at first and a step by step photographic set up. But it'll have to wait till tomorrow - yawn.
Only slight issue is - the main shelf is slightly lower than before. I thought it probably was but then decided that would make his water bottle a better height. Only thing is the sputnik now hangs a bit higher over the shelf and he struggled to get into it a bit. I don't want to change the shelf height as it works with the platform stepping up to it. I'll have a think about that. Maybe a little step up to the sputnik. He's fine climbing out of it.

It also means he now can't reach to chew the top corner bars when standing on his log. He does that to tell me when it's time for him to come out. He looked very surprised when he couldn't do it. He'll need to find another way to tell me he wants to come out.
That was a lot of work, well done!
It does look amazing & Raffy sounds so pleased with his new home, there’s bound to be a few tiny tweaks but it sounds as though it’s all gone really smoothly, I’m sure Raffy is going to have loads of fun exploring all that extra space.
I was wondering about that. I think the shelf is at about the same height as before actually - it's just the cage is a bit taller. I could raise the shelf, but then it would spoil the new "run" he's just acquired - between the cork log, shelf and platform - and then he'd have quite a step up from the platform to the shelf. Did you drill holes in the sputnik to attach the cable ties? Does it swing about a bit?

I can't remember how long the legs are on the platform but they were quite tall.
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You don't need to drill holes in the sputnik. Just slide a cabletie through. I fasten at least one cabletie on a horizontal/vertical bar to stop it from sliding.
It looks fantastic Maz! You managed to set it up so quickly too. I also get tired setting up cages so I hope you had a good sleep afterwards.

You tried to make Raffy happy adding in sprays and he got grumpy. Typical hamster! He can always move them to where he wants to. ;)
I wouldn't say it was quickly ha ha. Seven hours! It needed to be done in one day so Raffy could get back in his cage. It's easier setting up for a new hamster you're expecting. You can see how much more floor area there is between the house and the shelf, and at the back. It's like the standard plaza with another 10cm tacked on the back in a way.
That is a fantastic new set up in the cage for Raffy. He sounds as though he is adapting quickly. It will be interesting to know how you find the new cage over the coming days.
The Plaza 100 is much easier to lift and carry it's true. The 120 is slightly awkward but not heavy to put together - providing you put it together in the place you're going to set it up. Once it's in place it doesn't look too enormous. After that it doesn't need to be moved really. With my 100 I never moved it. Or even took the bars off. I could do everything through the front door.
Wow, what a fantastic set up, you’ve worked so hard. Raffy is very lucky and with the similar set up I’m sure he’ll settle quickly. I really like this cage, it’s making me want one too 😀