Introducing my gerbils

I'm so sorry Daisy. So hard for it to happen again. Even if she was a good age. The wink sounds quite special. And little Pippa will be missing her companion as well no doubt. 🫂 for you and Pippa.
I have got a new gerbil from a local rescue to introduce to Pippa. She's 18 months old and came with the name of Lucy (which I might keep, or I might change it).

The video below shows Pippa and Lucy's first meeting in the small split tank. Pippa is the grey gerbil in the foreground. Unfortunately Pippa was quite stressed and scared as you can see in the video so I moved them to a larger split tank with deeper bedding and a wheel. Traditionally split tank introductions are done in a 60cm tank with shallow bedding and not much enrichment, so that the gerbils focus on each other, but recently people have been trying a modified method that seems to work better for some gerbils where you allow them more space and more enrichment to begin with. It can be particularly helpful with young females who are usually the hardest to introduce. Pippa calmed down right away in the bigger tank and they are making progress now.

That’s ok a so interesting to watch. I wonder what they are saying to each other 😊. Clearly getting to know each other. It’s lovely Pippa will have a new companion and “maybe Lucy” has a new home 😊