Introducing my gerbils

Only just caught up with this. Sorry that you lost Twiglet, after she was doing so well recovering from her op.

Your plan to split the dominant girls and get a new pup sounds like the right option. You clearly know your gerbils very well. Best of luck when bonding time comes around.
Today I picked up this little pup from a breeder.
I got the pup home and put her in the split tank with Astra. She's so tiny and agile, so I was paranoid about her slipping over the divider somehow and spent ages making it extra secure.

Then I had to go out again briefly to buy something. I was worried I would come home to find the pup had got over to Astra's side. As it turned out, she hadn't, but I did find the lid of Peanut and Luna's split tank dislodged and both gerbils on the same side. I normally weigh the lid down but had forgotten this time, so I think one of them had climbed up the divider and pushed the lid up. Thankfully, neither was harmed and they were just happily sitting next to each other. I decided I might as well introduce them properly, so I removed the divider and they've been together for an hour now. It's looking really good.
She really does look sweet. Sounds like Peanut and Luna decided it was time to be together :-) (If I got that right!).
She really does look sweet. Sounds like Peanut and Luna decided it was time to be together :) (If I got that right!).
Yes, they had been acting like they really wanted to be together. They'd been spending lots of time at the divider and chewing the mesh so I was probably going to introduce them today or tomorrow anyway, but they beat me to it.
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Astra and the new pup have been successfully introduced. This pup is a bit feisty and annoying to be honest, but Astra seems to have it all in hand.

So I'm back to two pairs now :)
Lovely video. The pup is so cute! And yes they are very sweet together. Glad it has all worked out! It's a lot to sort out for their welfare, while grieving as well. What is the orange treat they are so fascinated with? It looks like a bee!
Lovely video. The pup is so cute! And yes they are very sweet together. Glad it has all worked out! It's a lot to sort out for their welfare, while grieving as well. What is the orange treat they are so fascinated with? It looks like a bee!
It is a bee toy from Pets at Home.

It is difficult to have to sort out logistics like getting new gerbils so soon after a loss. It feels like you have to move on very quickly rather than taking a bit of time to grieve. I haven't even thought about this new pup's name yet as I just haven't had the headspace for it. I'm not in hurry either. I guess the right name will come to me in time.
They look so sweet together :-)
Pippa tried watermelon for the first time today. I think she was surprised by the taste! I think this is also the first time Astra has had watermelon but she probably knew what to expect from eating other fruits.

They are both adorable :-) Pippa is still quite small. How long does it take for them to grow full size?
They are both adorable :-) Pippa is still quite small. How long does it take for them to grow full size?
About 6 months, sometimes a bit longer. She's still only about 10 weeks old.
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Ah so they are a bit slower growing than hamsters then. But also have a longer lifespan perhaps? Is she still only 10 weeks? :) She's incredibly sweet.
Ah so they are a bit slower growing than hamsters then. But also have a longer lifespan perhaps? Is she still only 10 weeks? :) She's incredibly sweet.
It feels like I've had her for ages but it's only been a few weeks.

They do live a bit longer than most hamsters, 2.5 to 3.5 years.
Astra sadly died on Tuesday last week.

Early in the morning I found her unwell with weakness and neurological symptoms (back leg weakness and twitching, spasms, lack of balance). I took her to the vet the same morning for an injection of fluids to rehydrate her, and then took her home to see if she might improve with supportive care, however she just got worse throughout the day. She was so weak that she was unable to eat or drink anything although she wanted to.

I decided to take her back to the vets in the evening and let her go before she suffered any more. Thankfully, she never appeared to be in pain and she spent a lot of the day just lying on my chest to keep warm. However I know she would have suffered from terrible hunger being unable to eat anything and I felt the chances of her making a rapid recovery were just not high enough to justify letting her go through that.

On the way to the vets, she just lay in her carrier completely motionless as she was so weak. I didn't think she was even aware of much. However when I picked her up at the vet and looked in her face to say goodbye, she winked at me (gerbils wink at humans they trust) so I know she recognised me.

She was exactly 2.5 years old and I hoped I might have her for longer but it wasn't to be.