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This is Molly's thread. Although some is repeated from the introductory thread, I'm posting her photos and videos from the day she arrived. On 22nd October 2023 at approximately 10 weeks old. Here she is in a play bin just before she went into her cage.




She is quite tame and friendly and sat on my hand a couple of times.

Here she is when she climbed on my hand (and up my arm!)

Once in her cage she was coming up to the bars quite a lot to say hello and have a chat and looked like she might try and jump if the door was open sometimes! I think she is going to be wanting a fair bit of out of cage time.

Her first night was quite a bit of wheel running, exploring, and saying hello at the front of the cage.

Here she is exploring her cage (Savic Plaza with perspex panels top and bottom).

Apparently she is not one for veg very much and only eats teeny tiny pieces. I gave her a piece of cucumber - no bigger than her ear! Last night and saw it had been nibbled a bit.
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Last night she tried to climb the bars a little bit (there is only about 2" of bars visible so she can't get far! Apart from the door which is bars but not far to drop there and just substrate to land on. She stopped that after realising she couldn't get anywhere but did stand at the front of the showing her white tummy a few times!

She meerkats quite a lot which is really cute! I love her little contrasting ears and white feet areas.

As mentioned elsewhere she was a fairly smelly Molly at first - presumably scent marking a lot. Or maybe in heat - which will be every 4 or 5 days.
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Shes so gorgeous and looks super excited to be exploring her new home. Will be interesting to see what her favourite foods and treats will be.
Thank you Zara and McKyen :)

So Millie is a busy little beaver. She's been out once today - she kept coming to the cage door so much I decided to pop her into the playbin for a few minutes. Had a little stroke. But she didn't seem to like it so I put her back in the cage again. She is incredibly fast though so no way she can go on the sofa. When I opened the cage door she walked onto it - then realised she couldn't get far and her little legs kept going through the bars. I offered her a tube and she wasn't interested. So I went to pick her up and she shot into the tube. Incredibly fast! Putting her back she allowed me to hold her,

She seems to be settling in as food has now gone from the food dish. And the rest of the cucumber had gone by this morning. And she's in the multiroom house.

So she's been out and about again this evening - in and out of her wheel. She's chewed nearly all the seeds off the toilet roll tube.

And tonight I found this! The egg box pyramid treat poking out of the top hole of her house. Not sure if it was dragged in there, pushed in there or accidentally got knocked in there :)

Weirdly, on this photo, it looks like a Syrian hamster at the back of the cage. It made me quite startled! Then realised it's the coconut hut with the eyes on top.

Here she is at the front of the cage again tonight. Clearly wants to come out but I might give it another day and then think about some time in a playpen - she wasn't actually keen on being out today

She’s so cute coming to the front of the cage and popping her paws up. 😍 she’s certainly not timid and sounds like she’s starting to settle in already which is great. Funny she’s left the pyramid seed treat stuck out the top of her hide, she must’ve been trying to pull the whole thing through perhaps? Making her own stash of treats, perhaps she’s spotted Raffys 🙂
It sounds as though she’s settling in really well, it’s so cute the way she keeps coming to the door.
I often start mine in the play bin but some of them just seemed to feel trapped & a bit panicky in a smell enclosed space so the playpen might be better for her.
She really is adorable 😍
I've heard from other people that Campbells with that color pattern tend to be very friendly, wonder if there's anything to it
I’m not sure you can generalise that much but my first hamster was the same colour & markings & very friendly & interactive from day one, didn’t need taming at all!
Lovely videos of Millie she certainly explored every inch of her cage maybe she loves it in there so much she found her playpen not matching up to her cage I'm sure she is going to take a lot of your time in a good way she's adorable
Aw thanks everyone. Yes I think she likes to know what's going on and have some interaction. She was in her wheel last night and when I called her she came over to the bars for a chat. I think she sort of wants to come out but maybe also isn't quite ready as still settling in. It was like "I want to come out!". Then "ooer maybe not".

She likes the cork log and climbs up it and sits on top looking out. She doesn't seem the slightest bit interested in the sand bath and the cork digging area in the blue shell! As far as I'm aware she hasn't even attempted to go in the blue shell yet. Her sand bath she just seems to walk through enroute to the front from the back, under the cork tunnel.

She's definitely getting settled in though if she's in the multiroom house. She's had a go at a few sprays as well and presumably started building a hoard as most of the food was gone yesterday. No smell any more.
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