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Ah good point. I wouldn’t be able to leave that one up all the time as all Raffy’s stuff is under the coffee table! I need a working out plan I think! Probably easier to get another wood one or make one.
It is easy to fold and put away though. The panels fold flat. :)
I’ve got the songmics one too, I haven’t used it for ages & it’s stashed away somewhere but I do think the wooden one would be easier to store if you don’t want it up all the time.

I think if anything females tend to be more active than males so sofa time much be a bit tricky! It does depend on the individual too but mostly they like to be busy moving around doing stuff & exploring.
Ah good point. She does seem very active. Which is why my other thought was sectioning off part of the room which would take some working out.
I do actually have a second wood skyline ranch playpen I got for Pip. But it is faulty. The panels don’t fit together at all. I should have sent it back but instead used one panel to block the doorway to keep Raffy in. If we can do something to it to make the panels fit together then I already have a second wood one - but it will be time consuming and a fiddle. Hence pondering. Plus one panel will smell of Raffy! I can clean it but then need to find something else to block the door.
I wonder if the panels could be put together with some kind of tape?
They have notches that slot into holes but the notches are too big for the holes!
Molly has demolished one of the millet sprays over the last couple of days. And dragged one into her sand bath :)

Yesterday the pyramid had been pushed out of the top house hole. Today it is back in there again :)

She seems to have been busy overnight as has stuffed paper into the bridge hide at the front - I’m guessing she either tunnelled under the house to do that, or stuffed it from the outside to keep her nest area warmer inside the house. And has semi demolished one of the other sprays at the front of the cage. She doesn’t seem to have nibbled at any of the canary seed sprays so they are still sitting there just looking pretty!

Nothing’s ever simple is it!

I found the other two panels of my skyline playpen finally, they’ve been missing for ages! I do like that one, it’s a shame it’s faulty, I wonder if you could use masking tape to keep it together, easy to take off when you want to put it away.

She has been busy! She probably blocked that off from inside, private keep out!
I give mine canary seed in their treat mix & it’s probably the least popular seed in there although they do eat some, the sprays look nice though.
It’s such a dark day here today - even with the light on, those photos are dark. Her cage is also in a dark corner of the room so always tricky getting photos.
Albert started off in a playpen but didn't like it. As soon as Albert started sitting on my hand I gave him sofa time. Albert was happy with that for a few weeks. One night he decided to run down my hubby's leg on to the footstool. So he was happy with the sofa, hubby's legs and footstool for a few weeks. Then one night Albert decided to slide off the edge of footstool and I caught him just in time before he did a face plant on to the floor. I gently put him on the floor and that was it. Albert has been free roaming ever since.
There would be quite large gaps at the corners if I tried to tape it bevause the notches woukd obstruct it. I think it needs a rasp on the notches to make them smaller - and of course they might snap off in the process. I did have an enormous box which was Pip’s playpen but that has gone now - it half filled a room!
Albert started off in a playpen but didn't like it. As soon as Albert started sitting on my hand I gave him sofa time. Albert was happy with that for a few weeks. One night he decided to run down my hubby's leg on to the footstool. So he was happy with the sofa, hubby's legs and footstool for a few weeks. Then one night Albert decided to slide off the edge of footstool and I caught him just in time before he did a face plant on to the floor. I gently put him on the floor and that was it. Albert has been free roaming ever since.
That sounds great. I was half thinking of that but the room has lots of higgledy piggledy nooks and crannies. Especially under the open stair area. I’m not sure I could completely hamsterproof it for a smaller hamster. Even Pickle managed to get his head under the filing cabinet - which is a very small gap! If Molly got under there I’m not sure if there are gaps in the wall/skirting behind it. It is virtually stuck in place there as it’s so heavy and been there for many years!
She seemed quite happy in the large bin last night though. I had a wheel, saucer, dig box, bridge, hide and hammock on the floor. But I think she will want more than that at some point. It’s handy for handling her though as not to high at the edges and she’s getting used to that now. She did freeze at one point and sat there for a good few minutes. Like she was thinking and was quite happy for me to pick her up then. And eventually came out of the freeze.
Molly has a great time with her sprays and boredom breaker!

I do not have a suitable room to let Sprite free roam either. There is no way I can make it safe.
The problems of open plan stairs and an old house. Now if I had an enclosed room ….
Jumping in on this one because Petes free roaming room was the conservatory but it's now way too cold in there so how to partition of a room with so much stuff in it is proving problematic so far he has been under a heavy bookcase which we had to empty to move to get him out and also under the TV unit that was a nightmare so it's cardboard construction coming into play again so I can leave his playpen door open again I used to have a tidy house 😀
It is easy to fold and put away though. The panels fold flat. :)

I have one similar to this it folds and pops up in seconds and fits flat under the sofa but they can climb the mesh sides (and unfortunately seem to enjoy doing that ) Pete has now learnt how to safely reverse
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