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Meep meep is a great name! I love that she is so interactive and comes over when you talk to her :) She has definitely mastered the art of pouching all her food the last couple of nights.
So I've been giving Molly the Rodipet hybrid dwarf hamster food. She clearly likes it as she has pouched the lot each night. The tub comes with a little scoop and I've been giving a level scoop each night - which I think is a bit more than a heaped teaspoonful so just guaging how much to give at the moment!
Aw thanks everyone. Yes I think she likes to know what's going on and have some interaction. She was in her wheel last night and when I called her she came over to the bars for a chat. I think she sort of wants to come out but maybe also isn't quite ready as still settling in. It was like "I want to come out!". Then "ooer maybe not".

She likes the cork log and climbs up it and sits on top looking out. She doesn't seem the slightest bit interested in the sand bath and the cork digging area in the blue shell! As far as I'm aware she hasn't even attempted to go in the blue shell yet. Her sand bath she just seems to walk through enroute to the front from the back, under the cork tunnel.

She's definitely getting settled in though if she's in the multiroom house. She's had a go at a few sprays as well and presumably started building a hoard as most of the food was gone yesterday. No smell any more.
Pleased Molly is settling in and the smell has gone
Molly still comes over to the front of the cage if you call her. I tried stroking her in the cage but she shot off. Then was back at the bars again later, so I tried her in the play bin again for a few minutes. She walked into a tube. The play bin is a bit boring but she did let me handle her a bit. Popped her back in the cage. Later she was climbing the front door again! I think she does want to be out but I need to decide on the right arrangement for out of cage time - playpen or sectioned off area.

She loves sitting right on top of her log and looking out! Queen of the Castle :-)
Aww Queen of the castle is so sweet 😍
Lovely to hear how well she’s settled in & how interactive she is..
As long as there’s plenty to explore in the playpen & maybe scatter a few seeds around she should be fine in there.
Molly still comes over to the front of the cage if you call her. I tried stroking her in the cage but she shot off. Then was back at the bars again later, so I tried her in the play bin again for a few minutes. She walked into a tube. The play bin is a bit boring but she did let me handle her a bit. Popped her back in the cage. Later she was climbing the front door again! I think she does want to be out but I need to decide on the right arrangement for out of cage time - playpen or sectioned off area.

She loves sitting right on top of her log and looking out! Queen of the Castle :)
Molly is doing really well considering the short time she has been with you she definitely seems to want to come out of her cage I'm sure you will figure out a suitable solution 🙂
Which playpen did you decide on? I can’t remember if you said.
At the moment she just has a large storage bin. I probably need to get a new playpen as the wood one is being used to hamsterproof the room for Raffy - ie the panels blocking off one corner of the room. I don’t think it’s quite hamsterproof for a smaller hamster though.

Molly was dead keen to come out tonight so I made a mini dig box out of a cardboard box with cardboard strips in and she had a go on the flying saucer.
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Does she have an actual castle? I don't know what it is, but every hamster I've had loved the plastic castle I got from PetSmart. I bet she would sit on the top of one
Does she have an actual castle? I don't know what it is, but every hamster I've had loved the plastic castle I got from PetSmart. I bet she would sit on the top of one
Thanks ilguy :-). She doesn’t have an actual castle but I do have one of those plastic igloos with turrets on top :-). I think you can get cardboard castles actually (or used to be able to).
Molly is so full of beans. Maybe the songmic playpen I have would be suitable.
I wondered about that too. Im thinking about it - the new bin is quite large - I got it recently for storing things in but it’s turned into a temporary playpen! And I was thinking to see how hand tame she gets and then maybe have her on the sofa with me. At the moment - if something startles her - she is too fast. It would be nice if she could just free roam but Im pondering on it for a while.

I meant to ask Frida how long it was before Albert could go in the floor and sofa!

I love your song mics playpen though rainbow - I am not quite sure where I could keep it though when taken apart. The wood one is easy to store the panels. What do you do?
Sprite would never sit on a sofa. He never keeps still unless he has food! I leave his playpen up all the time as I never know when he wants to use it. He is using every single morning at the moment
Ah good point. I wouldn’t be able to leave that one up all the time as all Raffy’s stuff is under the coffee table! I need a working out plan I think! Probably easier to get another wood one or make one.
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