New Syrian bar biting

Great news to hear Mauve has come out of her hiding place and is now back in her home! what an upsetting time for you all. It’ll be lovely to see her when you get home 😊
Just to add - she could be a bit dehydrated if she’s been out a few days - it was probably the moisture of the apple she was desperate for. So I’d get your OH to double check her water bottle in her cage each day. Tap his finger under the spout and make sure it’s letting water out. If it’s a water bowl she has, check that regularly as well. She might need a few days observation as well (while she’s in her cage if he can’t handle her) just to see if she is moving around normally and no ill health etc. Just in case she ate something she shouldn’t have.

I thought it might be the kitchen! They go for the food smells.
Yes I did tell him about it and he made sure to put water bowl and the one that hangs on the cage, she's moving okay, burrowing normally, eating broccoli, she's just a bit angry hehe but she will come down when we come back hopefully.
I can imagine she is angry! She had escaped! They can get quite wild in just a couple of days sometimes.
I can imagine she is angry! She had escaped! They can get quite wild in just a couple of days sometimes.
I had no idea, I thought her nature was to be sweet like she's always been
Retaming her is gonna be a process 😅
I'm sure she'll soon settle down again :-) Female Syrians can be really very active and a bit maverick though.

As for her cage. I would put her in a safe place (eg playpen area or dry bathtub with some toys in - tunnels, hides, food etc). take everything out of the cage. Fill it to to the top of the base with bedding. If you get a couple of grass mats to tie inside the bars at one end, you can have a deeper end of bedding (stops the bedding falling out). But at least if you fill the base with bedding she'll have about 6" and you could pile it up in the middle a bit.

Then put the shelf, wheel, house and other items back in similar location to before, but all higher up than they were before. Just off to look at the photo again.
Yes everything in the cage looks fine - just needs to be higher up on top of 6" of bedding at least, so she can dig and burrow. Some bits might fall out of the bars, but it's not so bad! For the wheel, you can tie the stand to the bars to keep it stable if it's sitting on top of 6" of bedding - sisal string is safe to use to tie things to the bars (not normal string - that could cause a blockage if chewed).

I use the seagrass ball from this trio of balls and unravel it and use that for tying things on.

Ahh just caught up with this thread. I had a female syrian, Kashi who looked just like your beautiful Mauve. She also bit the bars and got a bald nose! I threaded carboard in and out of the bars and gave her loo roll inners stuffed with paper and treats and changed stuff round a lot, just like you have been doing in fact.

Kashi also got out and went missing for a day or two. She turned up behind the fridge with a very impressive nest and LOTS of poos!

So glad that Mauve is safely back in her lovely cage. Cant wait to hear more about her and see lots more pictures.
Yes everything in the cage looks fine - just needs to be higher up on top of 6" of bedding at least, so she can dig and burrow. Some bits might fall out of the bars, but it's not so bad! For the wheel, you can tie the stand to the bars to keep it stable if it's sitting on top of 6" of bedding - sisal string is safe to use to tie things to the bars (not normal string - that could cause a blockage if chewed).

I use the seagrass ball from this trio of balls and unravel it and use that for tying things on.

I have exactly those, bought at pets at home, she never liked them even with treats, she'd rather bite the cage, let's see what happens when I come back, also looking into ikea platsa in the near future to build a wooden cage with plexiglass
Ahh just caught up with this thread. I had a female syrian, Kashi who looked just like your beautiful Mauve. She also bit the bars and got a bald nose! I threaded carboard in and out of the bars and gave her loo roll inners stuffed with paper and treats and changed stuff round a lot, just like you have been doing in fact.

Kashi also got out and went missing for a day or two. She turned up behind the fridge with a very impressive nest and LOTS of poos!

So glad that Mauve is safely back in her lovely cage. Cant wait to hear more about her and see lots more pictures.
Wow, that's incredible to hear that your Kashi built a nest in her hiding, I'm wondering if this could be the cause of Mauve's anger, I'm gonna investigate when I get back. I have some videos of Mauve that my husband sent but the way he tried to set up the cage, bless him he's trying hard, it's not ideal as the cage was discounted (we honestly thought she died so we put alway everything to clean for a possible new hamster in the future) I'm gonna try and share here.
Oh dear. If it's set up from scratch again, she really will get stressed and cross. I'm sure she'll soon scent mark it again and make it home.
So great that your little runaway is back. Mauve is lucky she has such a great family! She's a sweet little thing. I'm sure she'll settle again soon!
abc1a7cb-467d-4009-8ac2-3b1a01145b42-1_all_21393.jpgjust one more day to see this lil cutie 💜 I got her aspen bedding, a new water bowl and some stairs to attach to her cage in this short trip, and a shein haul is expected this week for her cage 😅 can you tell we are all super happy she's back? 🥰🐹
She is a gorgeous colour. She does look slightly cross perhaps 😊
Hi everyone! We just got home and our 1st task was to set up Mauve's cage so we did bonding time in the bath with my daughter so I could fix her house, I made a video so if you want to have a look and maybe suggest improvements that would be greatly appreciated!
It looks very nice and she has a lot to do in there and nice hides and tunnels. It could do with more bedding for digging and burrowing. So a few things I would suggest adjusting as hamsters really are diggers and burrowers and not very good at climbing and can fall off things and hurt themselves.

If you can have one end with deeper bedding at least, I'm sure she'd be more settled so she can dig and burrow. To achieve that you'd need to add cardboard, perspex or grass mats inside the bars at one end :)

Ideally, if it's deeper in the entire cage, there's less height with falling so not so many climbing things needed like the steps. The steps are very cute but hamsters do tend to fall off things, so if they have lots of deep substrate to land on and less far to fall it helps :) I also try to fit any shelves or steps right up to the edge so there's no gap they can fall through or get a leg caught in. That isn't that easy to achieve in the plaza as the inside corners are curved! I had shelves and cut a little piece of the corners so they fitted.

For now if you just fill the base to the top with bedding it might help - even if it means raising some of the shelves higher up. Bits of bedding will fall out but it's not that bad. You could try with cardboard round the inside but she might chew it off. The cheapest option for the perspex panels are these - so you can just have one deeper end of bedding. £31 for the deep bedding panels at one end. You get to side pieces and an end piece 19cm tall. If you look at the second photo on the link it shows where they go :)

Personally I would think about doing that at the right hand end of the cage and keeping the shelf at the left hand end of the cage.

Actually I've noticed a few people having the door opening upwards like you have :-) Not sure if that is by choice - I have the front panel the other way up and the door opening downwards :-) I think that's how it's meant to be but I'm curious as to people having it open upwards if there's a particular reason for it :-) I suppose it makes it easier for the hamster to climb out?
I don't have Tictoc, but yes, nice deep bedding is something hamsters love!
It looks very nice and she has a lot to do in there and nice hides and tunnels. It could do with more bedding for digging and burrowing. So a few things I would suggest adjusting as hamsters really are diggers and burrowers and not very good at climbing and can fall off things and hurt themselves.

If you can have one end with deeper bedding at least, I'm sure she'd be more settled so she can dig and burrow. To achieve that you'd need to add cardboard, perspex or grass mats inside the bars at one end :)

Ideally, if it's deeper in the entire cage, there's less height with falling so not so many climbing things needed like the steps. The steps are very cute but hamsters do tend to fall off things, so if they have lots of deep substrate to land on and less far to fall it helps :) I also try to fit any shelves or steps right up to the edge so there's no gap they can fall through or get a leg caught in. That isn't that easy to achieve in the plaza as the inside corners are curved! I had shelves and cut a little piece of the corners so they fitted.

For now if you just fill the base to the top with bedding it might help - even if it means raising some of the shelves higher up. Bits of bedding will fall out but it's not that bad. You could try with cardboard round the inside but she might chew it off. The cheapest option for the perspex panels are these - so you can just have one deeper end of bedding. £31 for the deep bedding panels at one end. You get to side pieces and an end piece 19cm tall. If you look at the second photo on the link it shows where they go :)

Personally I would think about doing that at the right hand end of the cage and keeping the shelf at the left hand end of the cage.

Actually I've noticed a few people having the door opening upwards like you have :) Not sure if that is by choice - I have the front panel the other way up and the door opening downwards :) I think that's how it's meant to be but I'm curious as to people having it open upwards if there's a particular reason for it :) I suppose it makes it easier for the hamster to climb out?
Thank you Maz, I love your ideas, I'm gonna try and go for the grass mats if they are easier to find, and I can definitely fill it up with more bedding, in fact I ordered aspen bedding with this purpose for her, tomorrow I'm gonna try to find those mats and make some changes around in about a week or two because there's been so many things going on with her that I'm afraid to make another big change and stress her out, I'm glad so far she hasn't chewed any bars, she's just exploring everything. I'm sure she's gonna be a lot happier if she can burrow more. Also I'm gonna remove the stairs because it is a little awkward for her to go around those. Thank you so much for your input!!