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He seema to dislike the tiny seeds and only take the bigger pieces.
Will see what is left in his nest when i clean the cage out....he still only takes about 1gr daily from the mix.
I think Bunny has the smallest seeds in ot compared to little one. Maybe i try only Little one for him and see how he likes that,bit i think it still has lots of small seeds....
Are there any suitable dwarf hamster mixes that have less tiny seeds in it, but still okay nutrient wise?

Funny thing is that he seems to be growing fast. His body looks very long now. With his 42gr weight he has the same weight as my older female Hammie, but their bodies look so different.
You can see his growspurt on him, and her aging on her.
I'm sure he eats some of the tiny seeds :) You could try the rodipet hybrid dwarf mix. He may be just a bit picky but I'm sure he's getting the nutrients he needs :-) A lot of hamsters leave a lot of food behind. One of my Syrians leaves loads of food and you'd think he wasn't eating anything sometimes! But I know he has a hoard and eats from that. They eat very little each day really.

He sounds to be thriving!
He is gosthing me for a while now. Only wakes up when the lights are out, and he returns to bed before 6am.
During the day he does not show himself, and i have no change to work with him on the taming part.
I had too many hiding places and deep bedding in the cage, and i needed to do a spotclean today, so i decided to take some bedding out and make the cage so that he still has houses and hiding places, but also that i can get to him easier.
I hope this will work better for taming,will see how he does.
He is now exploring and seems fine in the new setup.
Hope this is a good starting point for taming him, i am free from work for 2 weeks, so hope i have a better chance to see him during the day and work with him.
If this doesn't work i can take the platform out, but i think that would be too open for him.


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I’m sure he’ll adjust to that :-)
Thank you, i hope he will.
He was a bit stressed after the change, climbing the walls try to get out, and making noises. Now he seems fine in there, but i realy don't know how to tame this little boy.
My othwr hanster was from a petshop to, but she was very easy going, he is very stressed out. Whenever he hears or sees me he hides away and i cannot get him out of his enclosure.
He is so very fast and i don't want to chase him.
He did walk in a cup a couple times, but when he is in he gets stressed and wants to get out asap.
He did sit on my hand before to take a snack, but i cannot move ore make a noise or he is gone. When he has the snack he will run away.

He also doesn't like the opening top in his cage.

i have to clean Hammies tank soon, and was thinking to switch enclosures between them. But i just changed his cage layout and that would mean another change (stress) for him.
will it be bettet for the taming process to move him in the tank with sliding doors? Maybe he will settle down in it faster.

should i do a tank with only shallow bedding and some houses, so i don't have to chase him around, or a tank filled with houses and deep bedding?
(He will not show himself then)

How to do the taming process with this fast and shy boy?
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It would be another change but if he doesn’t like the top door opening then it may help to move him to something with a front opening door. I had similar with my first Robo who was in a tank. He hated the door opening above and the noise it made and he hated a have from above (or anything moving from above). I moved him to a Savic Mickey 2XL (80 x 50) with the big front opening door and he was much happier and would come to the door. That was before the 100cm guideline and before the Savic plaza existed. But even then I wished he had had something a bit bigger than 80 x 50 but it was the only thing suitable for a Robo that had a front opening door (it has 7mm bar spacing).

But he still loved it and had a kit if enrichment.

This tank - are the sliding doors on top or at the front?
the tank has sliding doors at the front. the top can also be opened if needed.
Is that like an exo terra then? Do the sliding doors make a noise as well?! I suppose all doors make some noise.

How long has he been with you now?
he is with us since september 14, about a month now.
they do make some noise, but not much.
it is a tank like this: the doors slide in front of the glass front.

I moved Ukkie to the tank, and Hammie to the Duna cage.
Hammie is totally happy in the Duna or tank, it doesn't matter to her. She will also get a tank in about 2 weeks.
I hope Ukkie will settle down now that he doesn't get spooked by the opening Duna top.
These are their cages now:


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Great set ups! I hope Ukkie is OK in his new tank home!