
Pasha decided she needed to frighten the life out of me today by totally disappearing in her cage, I started removing things and sifting through still not sure exactly where she was as she came trundling out of a pile of bedding I'd already looked through 🤣

She seems to have developed a lump over her back end, but I cant quite figure out what it is, it almost just seems like it's hair, there isn't actually a palpable mass, it's squishy. So I guess I'll have to nip her down the vet when I can, just to be safe.

But other than that she's her happy little self!

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Sweetie disappear in her cage always, so I understand the worries 😬 I hope Pasha has nothing wrong. Keep us posted ♥️
I found where she was hiding this morning, she had buried a tube I forgot was in there 😅 little bugger.

I was at the vet with one of my guinea pigs earlier and made Pasha an appointment for Tuesday afternoon, so that's not too bad, I can always call for a cancellation sooner if needed. I compared her to Orsa this morning and there's definitely nothing similar on Orsa who is currently thinner and lighter than her so it must be something more than just being a slim older lady.
Thankyou, Mabel (guinea pig) is not too bad although we are running out of options for her sadly. We broached the quality of life topic today which is never fun, we may have to make the decision to let her go in the next few weeks. But her last few months hopefully more than make up for the rubbish care she was given previously.
I really am sorry to hear that. Thankfully Mabel was rescued by you and is getting all the love and care possible.
Aww! She really does love it! I hope the vet appointment goes well tomorrow.
Lovely to see how she’s enjoying her meds.
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So it turns out not to really be a lump but her spine has curved making it seem like the top and bottom is more prominent, in reality her lumbar area has sunk inwards. As she's already on metacam it isnt bothering her so we're just going to carry on, which is a relief.

That's good news - you can see that from your last photo. I'm sure her metacam will help with any arthritic conditions.
Aww. Thankfully this can be managed. What a relief she is still well despite her age.
I really am relieved she's OK, they've done so well to reach the age they are and I'm still not ready for them to go, especially with how otherwise well they both are in themselves all things considered. Luckily she is still active and eating well.
So it turns out not to really be a lump but her spine has curved making it seem like the top and bottom is more prominent, in reality her lumbar area has sunk inwards. As she's already on metacam it isnt bothering her so we're just going to carry on, which is a relief.

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Poor baby ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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Unfortunately I have gone to give Pasha her metacam and found her curled up in her food bowl, I've got her on a heat source currently just in case she has gone into torpor for my own peace of mind as that is where Orsa became torpid, but I do believe she has sadly passed away 😔
I’m so sorry, it’s always so hard but if she has passed away it sounds as though she went peacefully.
I'm so sorry. She was doing so well but such a grand age. Such a shock for you. Do keep us posted.