Second chance hamsters

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As already mentioned in another thread, i used to rescue and rehome hamsters.

I am still involved by volunteering because helping hamsters to a second chance of a good life is not something i would be able to give up.

I thought it would be nice to dedicate a thread to those hamsters and explain my involvement as well. So, here we go.

About a month ago i saw an ad for two dwarf hamster girls going for free. Their child owner had lost interest. I checked with a friend who runs a rescue for available spaces and then collected them. I kept them for a couple of nights while the rescue got two cages ready.
When they left my OH complained that it is too quiet now because those two were forever running on their wheels.
The two dwarfies are absolutely delightful. They are very tame, friendly and currently waiting for their loving forever home to come along.

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A couple of days ago i saw an ad of a female Syrian going for free in a good cage.
Those ads immediately ring alarm bells.

I contacted a rescue who had a space and the lady immediately got in touch with the advertiser. This particular hamster was well looked after but for whatever reason she had lost her home.

It always makes me sad when this happens but i know that this hamster will find a home where she will be loved and appreciated.

She is very friendly, confident and beautiful.

I can imagine. I think I would want to keep them too.
I saw an ad of two Robos living together and one looks scruffy whereas the other looks perfect. I'm concerned that the scruffy one gets bullied but the owner states in the ad that they must stay together because they play together. Worrying thing is that the owner doesn't even know that they are Robos and advertised them as Russian dwarfs. A friend is getting the word out and looking for someone who rescues in that area, about 1.5 hours drive away......
I would definitely want to get those and house them separately!
I've just contacted a friend to see who could take one. I'd keep the scruffy one until a space becomes available. If there's no one in that area who could get them but hoping that there will be.
I'm glad you're keeping the scruffy one.
A friend who gave up rescuing the same time as me would keep the other until a space becomes available.

Have to wait and see now if i get a response from the advertiser.
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I hope they reply to you soon. It is so frustrating when the person says they must stay together.

Just after I adopted Orko, I saw a worrying advert. Two robo sisters in a dangerous cage that the owner said she was sad but her cat keeps trying to get at them. I desperately wanted to rescue them as I knew whomever got them would not know to separate them. The owner never replied so hopefully they went to somebody who separated them.
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Sadly, i didn't get a reply from the two Robos ad.

Another collaboration of likeminded people including myself helped a young Syrian on his way to a better life today. He lost his home after only a month.
I've just collected this sad looking little soul.

He was advertised as a very shy hamster so i enquired. People told me that they got Robo from druggies and that he's crazy. Then they changed their minds about selling and said that they wanted "to work" with him and tame him. Got back in touch last night and said that he's still very scared, erratic and do i still want him.
Robo was in a bare Spelos. No idea of his age.
I checked him over, definitely a boy, seems fine and trimmed a couple of nails.
I don't think there's anything wrong with this boy.
I set up the emergency bin cage with lots of places to hide so he will hopefully start to feel safe.
I think what he needs is to be left alone to learn to relax.
I need a name so i can gently talk to him.

I like old fashioned human names.
Suggestions welcome.20221127_134947.jpg
Thank goodness you rescued this sweet boy. I like the name Cuthbert for him. :)

Do the people mean they rescued the hamster from a person addicted to drugs? I am confused.