Second chance hamsters

Thanks. Cuthbert is too much of a mouthful for me. After all these years of speaking English, i still struggle to get my tongue round the 'th' pronounciation.

I like the bert half.
Thanks. Cuthbert is too much of a mouthful for me. After all these years of speaking English, i still struggle to get my tongue round the 'th' pronounciation.

I like the bert half.
Would Bertie be suitable?
That rattie looks just like one of my first rats, Hope. Looks as snug as a bug in a rug.

Bernard looks just like Niko. If only I had space for one more...
Oh you got him! Wonderful. He is gorgeous and seems happy to be held. Names - he looks like a Stanley or Wilfred to me :) . Cuthbert is nice too though!
Sorry I posted after reading you'd already called him Bernard! Hello Bernard.
I bet he'll settle in fine with all that enrichment. He had probably been cleaned out daily and left in the half empty cage you mentioned (and possibly lots of noise as well).
He wasn't happy to be held but i had to check him over and trim two nails.

He shook and vibrated so i think he may have been very scared.

He had a good look around the cage, tried the wheel and soon found the bendy bridge leading into the house. Popped his nose out a couple of times and then stayed indoors.
I am so happy you rescued him. I dread to think what he has been through. He is so cute. Like Rivern, I wish I had space too. :)
It's a strange one because he had already been rescued but the people who had him couldn't tame him and housed him very poorly.

Sometimes people have good intentions but can actually make things worse by stressing the Robo out even more.
Robos are different from other species.

I could see what was happening and didn't hesitate to go on a 130m roundtrip to buy this little fella.

Now i'm looking forward to get to know Bernard, in his own time
I have heard of this. It is almost like the people have good intentions but do not then do any research. I find it sad how so many people are only focused on taming robo hamsters rather then accepting them for who they are and letting the hamster go at their own pace.

Bernard is so lucky you spotted his advert.
I hope he settles in fine. He's lucky to have a nice cosy home now.
Hello to Bernard. Well done rescuing this little fella, he looks adorable, hope he enjoys his quiet space and starts to relax and settle over the next few weeks.
I haven't seen Bernard because i was at work and my OH hasn't seen him either but there's plenty of evidence of a busy Robo.

His wheel has been well scented, the sand has been chucked around and a few things have been rearranged.
That sounds great. I bet he loves his new environment. In a couple of weeks he may be visibly enjoying it and happy.
Yes, i think he does like his new environment. I don't even feel bad about putting him in a small cage because he came from nothing. Too much too soon could be overwhelming for an insecure hamster. All his new belongings are closeby and he shouldn't feel exposed with all the stuff i crammed into the little bin cage, lol. I'm glad i added the door panel which will make interacting so much easier, should he become confident enough to do so.