Show us your cages 2022

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Custom made cage. I put two pictures as I could not get it all in one picture. It is set up for a robo.
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Wonderful and inspiring set ups. Going to get my roborovski, Rafferty some more hiding places to explore.

He loves to burrow and has trouble getting about due to old age. Any tips for elderly robot set ups much appreciated.
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Hello! I had an elderly Robo set up for walking difficulties - I’ll dig out the photos. One photo is in the Rainbow Bridge corner thread (Nugget). He also loved to dig but struggled to walk so I had his usual 5 to 6” Fitch with his labyrinth house at one end virtually on the bottom of the cage (so the house top was almost level with the substrate). And then covered the rest of the substrate with hemp mat, everywhere except one little corner in case he decided he wanted to dig. He never did decide to dig any more though - I think he was really happy jist being able to get about easily on a level surface. The hemp mat was a patchwork of pieces in places but mainly one large piece so there were no edges for him to trip on. I cut a hole out in it so I could sink his sand bath into the substrate so the top of it was level with the hemp mat too. And had a little hemp mat step up to his flying saucer and wheel. He was able to enjoy using all these things for quite a while like that.

But maybe Rafferty isn’t actually unwell and just ageing? Is he a chewer? Our current Robo has a piece of cork bark on top of his Fitch that he likes sitting on - I used that as a little step up to a wheel.
Ooo I have a huge hemp mat somewhere. Will dig it out (hopefully) and give Rafferty a nice easy to navigate surface. Thank you for those ideas.
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Rainbow what wheels are those? They look nice and washable unlike my cork lined wooden ones.
Rainbow what wheels are those? They look nice and washable unlike my cork lined wooden ones.
They are Niteangel Cloud wheels. They are cork lined I am afraid. You can remove them if that is any help.
I often get cage envy! Some people are SO creative! My hamsters have to do with practical and not very creative!
Thank you x Yours are too! The mutual appreciation club lol
A photo from my early days of keeping hamsters.
This is my very first bin cage set up for a dwarf hamster. I later added a tube and connected the cage to another bin cage to create a much larger habitat.

It looks so bare and small. I have progressed with my set ups since then but we all had to start somewhere.

Screenshot_20221101-225112_Samsung Internet.jpg
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