Socks: Mouseworks Dynamic Cardboard Redesign and Basic Tunneling

It sounds like it went really well :). Free roaming can be a bit nerve wracking to begin with and depending on the hamster. I used to struggle to get them back sometimes! Luckily my current Syrian will just walk into a tube if I put it down.
Yes, catching him to carry him any distance does require tube wielding skills as using just my hands to contain him is far too dangerous unless we are at floor level
We used a plastic jug, Ham would walk into it to come out and to be transported home.

Sounds like Socks first venture out went well and he enjoyed exploring. Great video of him with his whimzee too.
Socks has a box house. The door is on the front but difficult to see, but he found it and went inside to find his old nest (minus the worst of the old poops) They were healthy looking ones, but one or two were mouldy. I might cut it down as it is quite high. I need to put in more bedding too. He has the entrance to a longer plastic tunnel sticking out. I did not dare to empty his tunnel stash, but it is looking clean and dry. I will take a bit out in due course as quite a lot goes in there 😀. I took the original plastic platforms out and piled soft bedding in case he monkey bars and drops onto anything hard, but had to keep his loo accessible. He slept the clean away in a small box of deep bedding. I am starting to realise how much we need a bigger cage and a dig box (and a big wheel).


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He'll love that :-) Has he moved in? Yes that cage soon fills up - I found that when I had one :) A 28cm wheel restricts about a third of the cage particularly with bedding depth. An extra 20cm makes a big difference.
Yes, he went straight in and started straightening his old bedding. It's got a loose piece of cardboard as a floor, but lots of bedding inside and also behind and in front of it. He has an alley way of bedding and a tube behind it. He takes his favourite foods into the house and ordinary food into his plastic tube cellar. Once I get the play pen I'll remove some of his cellar stash as it's getting a bit full down there!
He has the HH wheel and knows how to run on it, but I removed it as it's too small for Syrians
Socks assessing the chew proofing of his new play pen (which he enjoys, although it needs more accessories)
If I can secure the corners and give him alternatives to chew, the playpen is pretty much safe, although he does need constant supervision. It gives him great mental and physical enrichment and healthy exercise, as well as a chance to do more habituation to handling and bonding.
Love the cardboard creations. You know you're a hamster parent when you get more excited about the box than what's in it! Yes, he is cheeky! I wish he would chew on his toys more, I'm not sure if the cardboard is enough to keep his teeth filed. We are lucky we don't have to file our teeth 😄
Don’t worry about not chewing on toys, they don’t actually need chews, eating wears their teeth down so chews are just for fun & enjoyment really, most hams won’t chew a lot of things sold as hamster chews so cardboard is fine.
Lovely to hear socks has been exploring his shoe box house. Sometimes they have a little clear out of their poops and you find a little pile or two near the exit of their nests, this always made me chuckle with Ham. The new playpen enclosure looks fab! I used to just fill ours with cereal boxes, various tubes and a spare wheel. Square tissue boxes make great hideaways too 🙂
There were a few little dry poops in the doorway tonight! I like to see them as it let's me know his diet isn't upsetting his tummy. Thank you, I'm glad you like Sock's play pen! He's up at the moment, but being a bit skittish tonight ❤️