
I had a couple of long haired syrian hamsters that loved their sand trays and looked soooo cute rolling round in them.

I have used children's play sand from argos for ages without realising you had to sterilise it. Oops.
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I think there used to be various views on whether it was already sterilised or whether it needed sterilizing. Maybe it depends which sand you get.
I had a couple of long haired syrian hamsters that loved their sand trays and looked soooo cute rolling round in them.

I have used children's play sand from argos for ages without realising you had to sterilise it. Oops.
It has clearly done no harm. I believe most childrens play sand is already sterilised anyway but maybe it says on the packet or maybe it isn't sterilised in some countries.
The garden centre run out of 85l Kaytee clean and cozy but will get more in.

They said they had teabag bedding and showed me this very large bag for only £7.39. I think i tried it once but hamster didn't like it. Henry waded through it by lifting up his paws when walking so i took it out again. I'm not 100% sure it's the same one though.
Is anybody familiar with this bedding?
If yes, does their hamster like it?

I looked up this and somebody said the paper is in strips and can get tangeled in hamster legs. I have not heard of this bedding before.
It is in strips which concerned me as well. I didn't buy it but was curious. Someone i know buys substrate in strips but then spends ages cutting it up.
I used to buy small bags of Animal dreams, which was nesting material - paper strips. If it's the same. I was too lazy to tear up sheets of toilet paper at first :) . I can imagine the hamsters getting caught in it if it's paper strips.
It must take ages to cut it all up! I could not be bothered. Lol
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That is good to know. I do not understand why companies make such horrid bedding.
Does anybody know if i can use hemp straight from the bag or do i need to freeze it first?

I don't know if it has been kiln dried like wood chips or processed similar to Aspen.

Hope's Healthy Treats sells this brand so i thought it should be ok. I bought it at Jolleys.

It should be fine to use straight from the bag. I have never frozen bedding before. However I see your point - it's plant based so a bit like hay in that respect. So I'll wait to see what others say :-) Daisy or elusive might know!
Brilliant - I always thought hemp sounded exotic somehow! Not that I'm saying Yorkshire isn't exotic!
I probably would freeze it for a couple of days to a week, being paranoid, but I'm sure most people won't - particularly as it's hard to find space in a freezer for a bag of hemp!
I think Tulsi has used hemp bedding too :)
I've used hemp. Normally aubiose which is marketed for horses. Doesn't hold burrows well by itself but when mixed it's fine. I've never frozen it. Then again I don't think I would fit a 15kg bag in the freezer. It has a aroma which is unpleasant to bugs.
I decided to freeze it because it is plant based, porous and i don't know how it was processed.
I want to use it in Jack's big jar which has sand in it but he keeps filling it up with substrate. Maybe he wants something different. I can also use it in a dig box in the playground for out of cage time. I really wanted coco fibre but it's forever sold out when i tried to order it from Hope's Healthy Treats.
Had a look in Porton Aquatics when i nipped down after work but the quantities sold there are huge.