
I've used hemp. Normally aubiose which is marketed for horses. Doesn't hold burrows well by itself but when mixed it's fine. I've never frozen it. Then again I don't think I would fit a 15kg bag in the freezer. It has a aroma which is unpleasant to bugs.
Yes, i went to an equestrian shop locally for Aubiose but the quantity is huge and the environment put me off. I think of bugs when i think of horses and cows. Had cow fleas once....
Didn't know about the aroma though. That's interesting to know.
From what I've read it contains something that's supposed to deter mites. But some people freeze it in case it was stored in a place where it could have got mites! I think most people don't freeze it. But if you're only going to be using a small quantity then it wouldn't do any harm.

I only bought hemp once (unfortunately I was allergic to it). I didn't notice any aroma actually - other than it sort of smelling slightly grassy - but then maybe I was too busy sneezing to notice!
I think it is good you have decided to freeze it. I freeze Aspen. On the package of the Aspen it actually says it needs freezing. I hope your hamsters like the hemp. :)
I've frozen the hemp for 4 days which should do it. It has a lovely soft texture and the bag is small enough to go in the freezer.
It's only an enrichment substrate to go around wheels and sandbaths.
I said, in theory, lol.

The hemp has a lovely texture but quite an unpleasant smell. Now i'm undecided whether to remove it or leave it in.
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I have heard hemp makes some people cough. I can imagine the smell is not nice. Maybe you could try aspen instead? I have not noticed it has a smell and Orko loves it.
I find Aspen quite hard. The smell may go off yet and it doesn't seem to bother the hamsters. I've mixed some foraging mix into the hemp in Jack's jar which helped.
Clive nibbled the hemp so it may not smell bad to the hamsters.
I thought it had a fishy smell which would offend by sensitive nose anyway because i cannot stand the smell of fish. I'd rather go hungry than eat it.
I was going to ask what kind of smell. When you say fishy, do you mean like cod liver oil type smell or more liked cooked fish? I am not keen on the smell of cod liver oil as it's quite strong smelling.
From what I've read it has a neutral or herby smell usually but maybe it depends on the sniffer as to what it smells like!
Hmm, i don't know what cod liver oil smells like and my OH cooks fish when i'm away at work.
I know that i perceive some smells as offensive other people don't seem to be bothered by.
Maybe my nose is overreacting.
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:unsure:. Maybe the smell will wear off. I sometimes find with things I don't like the smell of, that it wears off after a few days. I have a very sensisitve nose!
I have in the meantime read that this bag of hemp smells bad on opening but that the smells wears off.

Bernard's works well around his wheel but Lilly has ploughed through her substrate and mixed it all up. Maybe that's the way she likes it