Supporting heavy dig boxes


Hamster Guardian
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I was just wondering, how do people support heavy but irregular shaped items? I was thinking of something like a huge round sand bath or an L shape multi dig box. As these would be very heavy due to the substrate, do people get custom made platforms? I imagine gluing dowels to these may not offer enough support.

From researching, I have never seen any round shaped platforms so I was wondering if people got them custom made or made their own.
I would think a few thick dowels would support it fine. Unless it's made of cement maybe :)
Not cement, do not worry. 😉I was talking about the wooden ones. If filled with heavy sand then would dowels be supportive enough?
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I think a strong platform made of thicker wood and dowels (at least 1cm) would be enough.
The thicker ones would be I am sure. You'd probably need four near each corner (ish) but for belt and braces you could have one in the middle. A platform might be easier though.
I think a strong platform made of thicker wood and dowels (at least 1cm) would be enough.
So do you mean get a platform custom made? You mentioned platform but I was wondering where people get platforms with irregular shaped items.
I would think it wouldn't matter if the platform was smaller than the box providing it supported it ok. Those cloud platforms are an irregular shape but they would support larger things probably.
So do you mean get a platform custom made? You mentioned platform but I was wondering where people get platforms with irregular shaped items.
Yes, I meant a platform. The dowels would need to be screwed into place, or set in drilled holes, rather than just glued (as the platform may slip otherwise), so that would mean a custom made platform if you're not able to do that yourself. I don't think you could attach thick dowels directly to a heavy dig box.
Yes, I meant a platform. The dowels would need to be screwed into place, or set in drilled holes, rather than just glued (as the platform may slip otherwise), so that would mean a custom made platform if you're not able to do that yourself. I don't think you could attach thick dowels directly to a heavy dig box.
Thank you for explaining that for me. :)
Sorry I think I was posting at the same time as Daisy so crossed messages :)
These are the two items I was referring too. I can now see they would need a custom made platform. I do not have a drill and would not know how to use one anyway.

The round one you could just have on a platform that isn't as big as the sand bath - most of the surface area and weight would be supported, which would keep it stable.

I have the 21cm version of that on the HHH cloud platform and there is a lot of room to spare on the platform. I'm sure it would be wide enough but not fully under the whole depth perhaps.

The top one - you probably could glue legs to if they were in the right places - if they were 1.8cm or 2cm dowels.
The round one you could just have on a platform that isn't as big as the sand bath - most of the surface area and weight would be supported, which would keep it stable.

I have the 21cm version of that on the HHH cloud platform and there is a lot of room to spare on the platform. I'm sure it would be wide enough but not fully under the whole depth perhaps.

The top one - you probably could glue legs to if they were in the right places - if they were 1.8cm or 2cm dowels.
Thank you. I find all the maths side of hamster accessories really confusing. :)
The main thing about glueing thick 2cm dowels is being able to keep them in place while the glue is setting and using something like Ponal - which sets rock hard. I used a bit of masking tape to hold them in place recently. Although they may just stay up on their own while they dry, if they're thick ones. The round one with a platform might be easier though.

Personally I would be happy glueing 2cm thick dowels to the bottom of the round one. Four round the edge and one in the middle. But screwing them in would be more secure.
However dowels never come in the exact length you want and would need cutting probably, whereas a platform you could get with the correct leg length to start with.
The main thing about glueing thick 2cm dowels is being able to keep them in place while the glue is setting and using something like Ponal - which sets rock hard. I used a bit of masking tape to hold them in place recently. Although they may just stay up on their own while they dry, if they're thick ones. The round one with a platform might be easier though.

Personally I would be happy glueing 2cm thick dowels to the bottom of the round one. But screwing them in would be more secure.
Thank you. I appreciate your opinion.

I am looking at options to give Sprite another sand bath. His current sand bath does not really allow him to roll well as his little legs touch the shelf. I am planning this slowly and carefully and will be asking for advice to avoid causing him any stress.
That's a good point Daisy made about it could slip off a platform - hence glueing it to the platform could be good.
That's a good point Daisy made about it could slip off a platform - hence glueing it to the platform could be good.
I thought she meant gluing the dowels could cause the platform to slip. I did not realise she meant gluing the actual sand bath to the platform.
I think that would be the easiest way - get a 30cm x 20cm platform with screw in legs and glue the sand bath to the platform.