Upgrading enclosure

It looks like my clever l’il Blossom has created herself a burrow which runs from the front corner just by the blue dish, under both platforms, coming out by her wheel 🐹☺️👍 She seems to have had a wee in the blue dish. I originally put it in her enclosure (supplied with the cage as a food bowl) thinking she might use it as a toilet, but she didn’t…she likes to sit in it instead and have a wash, so we call it her bath. But…it would be super helpful if she does use it as a toilet as it would make spot cleaning nice and easy! And, I wouldn’t have to disturb her burrow.
Aww, that is so cute! Sounds like Blossom is loving the new bedding and is enjoying making burrows. You could put some sand in the blue dish and hopefully she will use it as a toilet again. :)
It does sound she’s loving the new bedding! Clever girl digging a tunnel and using a bowl as a toilet :)
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So using the blue dish as a toilet seems to be short lived. I’ve spotted Miss B a couple of times getting up for a sleepy wee in her wee corner so I’m going to have to dig into her burrow to spot clean 😏Ah well, nvm :)
Aw, that is a shame. As Maz says, at least you do know where she is going. Quite handy it is in a corner too as it will be easier to find for you. :)
Aw, that is a shame. As Maz says, at least you do know where she is going. Quite handy it is in a corner too as it will be easier to find for you. :)
It's the same corner she was using before so I'm not really surprised. Redigging her burrow after a clean out will give her something to do lol.
Today, I added a substrate dish to Miss B‘s platform, made from her old wheel and filled with shredded cardboard 👍IMG_7118.jpeg
Blossom’s cage has been through several incarnations in the 9 weeks we have had her! I think that she (mostly) now has what she needs and enjoys. The first picture was taken the day before we got Blossom…I thought we were ready 🤦‍♀️ The following week, I was back at the pet shop as I realised she needed more…then some more…and more lol.

I don’t think her cage is the prettiest, and I wouldn’t have set it up like this if I had known what I know now, but it pretty much has the things she needs and likes now 👍
She certainly has plenty more to do in there now. I would add more substrate - so it fills the base. Although that is tricky with the large wheel. The platforms really add to the enrichment and she has lots of enrichment in there. It might still be an idea to think about upgrading her cage to a bigger one though. Did you buy it specially? They are not cheap. They do a 100cm version of that cage as well but it's quite expensive. There are quite a few second hand savic plaza's available for £40 to £50 though and they have a lot more space.
She certainly has plenty more to do in there now. I would add more substrate - so it fills the base. Although that is tricky with the large wheel. The platforms really add to the enrichment and she has lots of enrichment in there. It might still be an idea to think about upgrading her cage to a bigger one though. Did you buy it specially? They are not cheap. They do a 100cm version of that cage as well but it's quite expensive. There are quite a few second hand savic plaza's available for £40 to £50 though and they have a lot more space.
I did buy this cage especially, following recommendation that the minimum size was 80 x 50 cm, so I’ve spent all my pennies for now 😏 If I win the lottery, a cage upgrade will be on the cards! Until then…😏
She is looking really adorable on the photos :-) Is she handleable at all or still not quite there? :)
She is looking really adorable on the photos :) Is she handleable at all or still not quite there? :)
She's happy for us to put hands in the cage, stroke and hand feed. When she comes out for play time she will climb out onto our hands briefly. She will explore my lap too. But...she is super speedy...the other day she went scuttling off towards the bookcase! She's not one for sitting still and having a cuddle lol