Upgrading enclosure

She sounds very friendly! How cute. Do you have a playpen for her?
Right from the off, she's been very confident, curious and friendly. She has a large play box that we use. It has a lid which goes on when we're not using it so that we can leave it set up, then just grab it if she's up and about and ready to come out 👍
Right from the off, she's been very confident, curious and friendly. She has a large play box that we use. It has a lid which goes on when we're not using it so that we can leave it set up, then just grab it if she's up and about and ready to come out 👍
That is wonderful. It is very special she trusts you already.😊
She's happy for us to put hands in the cage, stroke and hand feed. When she comes out for play time she will climb out onto our hands briefly. She will explore my lap too. But...she is super speedy...the other day she went scuttling off towards the bookcase! She's not one for sitting still and having a cuddle lol
I know that feeling when they scuttle off towards the book case! The bottom shelf of ours became a hide kind of and one of my Syrians ripped a few pages up in there!
I know that feeling when they scuttle off towards the book case! The bottom shelf of ours became a hide kind of and one of my Syrians ripped a few pages up in there!
She's so quick! If we lost her under it, we may never see her again!