A week in the life of Blossom 🌸


Hamster Custodian
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Day 1

It’s me, Blossom, taking over the hamster forum for a whole week! Crazy, letting me loose on the forum tee hee 😆 I’ll start by introducing myself. I’m Blossom aka Miss B, Bibi or Blossom Possum (NB for the record, I am not a possum, I am a Syrian hamster 🐹) When I was little my mum used to say I was like Taz, the Tasmanian devil, as I was a bit of a whirlwind 😈 Rude! I’m about 8 months old now and very sensible 🤪 I am a tortoiseshell colour (NB I am not a tortoise, and I don’t have a shell. I am, as stated previously, a Syrian hamster 🐹) Watch this space for plenty of shenanigans and hamstery stuff.

luv Blossom 🌸
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Day 2

It’s me, Blossom, reporting for duty for day 2 of the hamster forum takeover! It’s pretty chilly out there right now, eh? Fortunately, my mum is on the case! She stole some wool lagging from them nice people ‘Abel and Cole‘ who do great organic veg boxes for hamsters (BORROWED Blossom…we BORROWED it!) and put it round the base of my cage to keep me toasty and warm when it gets chilly. She also puts giraffe excluders by the doors to keep all the giraffes out. I don’t really know what my mum has against giraffes, but I s’pose she’s right cos they would find it hard to get in the house with them long necks and all 🤔 (DRAUGHT excluders, Blossom, to keep out the DRAUGHTS 😏) Anyway, hamster friends, she also put a furmometer next to my cage to measure the temperature of my fur and make sure I’m toasty and cosy enough (it’s a THERMOMETER Blossom, to measure the AIR temperature 😏). Anyway, like I was saying, my mum upped the ante last night and put a roof on my cage to keep heat in too. I of course, had to come out immediately to investigate 👀 She still has the big guns to bring out if it gets any colder…my snuggle safe pad 👍

Stay warm hamster friends

Luv Blossom 🌸

We have some of those giraffe excluders here and the furmometer 😄

Sounds like your proper cosy Blossom and your Mum has these chilly days and nights all figured out 😊😊