A week in the life of my busy family 🥰

Thank you so much for the photos and insight into Winter's bio active vivarium.

This is utterly fascinating and beautiful to read. Winter does look a very happy snake.
What a great environment for the bugs or do they get eaten?
Your very welcome 🥰
Winter has never been interested in eating the bugs and they reproduce so we haven't had to top up with bugs since setting up in May 2022 😉 though there's a few different species of isos I'd like to try so I may add more in the future 😉 we did have earthworms initially but she did eat those so we haven't had them since 🙈
Day 2!

Apologies I did have more plans for yesterday but once I'd cooked a roast dinner (I made teddy a mini one but he never came out to eat it so it ended up in the bin 🫠) and done homework and finally got the kids to bed I also fell asleep without uploading pics 🤣
So we will start day 2 with a cat in a kallax- not an uncommon place to find her! I'm sure the children take the cubes out just so Effie can have her favourite spot 🤣🤣

That looks like a perfect spot for a cat to chill out!

Which isopod species do you have? Just curious being a bit of a pod nerd myself 😂 I’m surprised Winters habitat isn’t teeming with them if they’ve been in there since May ‘22 or does she munch on a few & keep the population down do you think?
That looks like a perfect spot for a cat to chill out!

Which isopod species do you have? Just curious being a bit of a pod nerd myself 😂 I’m surprised Winters habitat isn’t teeming with them if they’ve been in there since May ‘22 or does she munch on a few & keep the population down do you think?
There is quite a lot- they hide under the wood and leaf litter, I still get excited when I see babies 🤣 I just have springtails, normal woodlice and giant orange woodlice atm. I was talking to my exotic vet about bioactive setups (it was her that reconmended we did it when I asked about it) and she has some dairy cow isopods and now I want some after looking them up 🤣 I'd also like some mini speckled ones 🙈 is there any species you reconmend?
P.s as to things not going to plan yesterday- that is very appropiate for a week in my life 🤣 things rarely go to plan 😅 kids are off to school now, I've got the dishwasher and washing machine on and now on with everything else 🤣

Went hunting for isos and winter popped up to say hi 👋 she says she's going to become the star of the show this week 😂

Found one sneaking out from under the mesh! 🤣
Hello Winter! That’s a lovely photo of her 😍
I haven’t kept Dairy cow pods, they are another Porcellio laevis morph the same as your orange ones are (I guess) so if they do well the cows should, the Dairy cows do have a reputation for being bold so you see them a lot & they are one of the more prolific morphs so lots of babies!
I only keep my pods & springtails on their own not with other species so I don’t know anything much about the best species for snake habitats, I found Aquarimax pets videos very helpful in genreal with pods & he does have a couple here that you might find interesting.
Hello Winter! That’s a lovely photo of her 😍
I haven’t kept Dairy cow pods, they are another Porcellio laevis morph the same as your orange ones are (I guess) so if they do well the cows should, the Dairy cows do have a reputation for being bold so you see them a lot & they are one of the more prolific morphs so lots of babies!
I only keep my pods & springtails on their own not with other species so I don’t know anything much about the best species for snake habitats, I found Aquarimax pets videos very helpful in genreal with pods & he does have a couple here that you might find interesting.
Thankyou! I will definitely check him out! 😁
So not technically a pet photo but a pet order is something that features a lot in my everyday life! Stocking up of forage for the piggies and Teddy and was delighted to see my fave piggy forage supplier now does a hamster parcel! 🤩 I just had to get it for Teddy to try!
Here's what's on the menu for piggies + Ted this week!
Addy says hi 👋 addy is the most skittish piggy I've ever owned when it comes to humans, she is learning to take food from us and interact with us but she is absolutely terrified of handling bless her 💖 she joined our family with her sister Sally in May at 3 years old. 🥰 I may be bias but I think she's so pretty 😍 20230919_094641.jpg
Lovely to see your cat, snake and piggies today! The orders sound like some good treats for them. I am curious to know what's in the hamster parcel! I know nothing about isopods, but it's fascinating. Yes I also think Addy is pretty! She looks very sweet.
Lovely to see your cat, snake and piggies today! The orders sound like some good treats for them. I am curious to know what's in the hamster parcel! I know nothing about isopods, but it's fascinating. Yes I also think Addy is pretty! She looks very sweet.
I have screen shotted the hammie parcel info- never had a hamster parcel from them before as they are new but they sound like fun and I know how good quality the forage is 😉 my piggies are obsessed 🤣 I was thinking I can use the house and tube for playpen time, I'm not sure how good the bedding will be but I'll check it out as it may come in useful for spot cleans 😉
Your forage list looks good, it’s nice that there’s something there for Ted too. I love shopping for forage & have far too much stuff for just one hamster now!
Addy is beautiful, such a lovely sweet face, lovely to see Sally too.
Aww, I just want to scoop Addy up and hug her! She has beautiful markings. Sally is adorable and I love the black patch on her face. I hope Caramel heals soon.

The forage looks brilliant. Piggies and Teddy are going to have so much fun. The hamster parcel is a lovely idea. I have checked out hamster parcels and they seem to be better for guinea pigs then hamsters. 😂
My little caramel having a mummy cuddle 💕
Caramel is sweet and shy and likes cuddles 🥰 she is my last surviving piggy from when I had a herd of 5 😨 if she still won't bond with Sally and Addy she will need a new friend of her own as guinea pigs are highly social animals who get depressed when they loose a friend and can actually pass from grief if they go into acute pining. For now she is neighboured with Sally and addy so she can interact with them and getting as much human attention as she will allow 🥺