A week in the life of Orko - January


Hamster Guardian
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Day 1

Orko was up this morning pottering about at 9.30. My partner came home and was delighted Orko was up. I told him he could give Orko his breakfast and he rushed to give Orko some baby corn and his usual pinch of ground flax seeds. While eating I sat and chatted to Orko until he went back to his burrow.

I am trying to make Orko a doughnut bed which I saw on a youtube video. I am rubbish at anything crafty and this is my third attempt. Lol. Today I did a little more work to it. I made a frame out of card and have to add paper Mache to it using tissue and a glue made out of flour and water. I really hope I can get it right this time as I would love Orko to have something I made for him.

In the afternoon I put out a shrimp cookie for Orko and later on he came out to nibble it. My partner managed to get some nice photos as he actually knows how to take photos unlike me.


I used Orko's little dustpan and brush and swept the surfaces in his cage and put his red millet back on his MCH as it had fallen under his bridge from vigorous eating.

Later on I washed and refilled Orko's water bottle and water bowl.
Such a gorgeous photo! I am looking forward to seeing the results of your handiwork :) Did you say Orko has his own little dustpan and brush? Is it a normal size or a small one - it sounds good.
Such a gorgeous photo! I am looking forward to seeing the results of your handiwork :) Did you say Orko has his own little dustpan and brush? Is it a normal size or a small one - it sounds good.
It is a tiny one I use just for his cage. Lol. It is not one he actually uses. ;)
Ha ha! I had such a vision of Orko using a dustpan and brush :ROFLMAO:. No I get it's one that you use but I don't think I've seen a small one - it sounds cute and practical! Do you have a link?
That looks really good! I want one :).

I forgot to add as well - people can comment on your daily posts as you go along! Feel free to add photos and videos as well.
Lovely photo of Orko to start off, I’ll enjoy hearing about his days & your progress with his donut bed, good luck with that I’m sure you’ll crack it!
Day 2.

This morning Orko tried a pea for the first time. He looked so adorable holding it in his little paws. Here are two videos showing him. The camera recorded it in two videos rather then one.

I did some more work on Orko's doughnut bed.

The postie brought me a nice glass storage container I ordered. I washed it, dried it and put Orko's pea flakes in it.

I went round his cage removing the flax seed heads he has eaten. I realised I had not sifted his sand for over a month and did so. This took me about one minute as he is so tidy and keeps everything clean. I hid mealworms in his hides. When he first arrived he would not use his hides and I got him to use them by hiding a mealworm in each one. He still enjoys finding them there.

This afternoon my sweet boy popped out for water and to check what I had been doing in his cage. I got a cute picture of him in his wheel.

Edit- second video to follow
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Glad Orko likes peas! That is such an adorable photo of him in his wheel. The excitement is building about the donut bed results!
I mean the anticipation to see the end result as the suspense builds daily :-). Regardless of the results lol. I’m sure it won’t fail even if it turns out not as you intended.
Aww that is an adorable photo of him in the wheel 😍 And good to see he enjoys peas, I love that he’s so tidy it only takes you a minute to do things, he could teach chineseys a thing or two!
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Great videos, he seemed to like the pea, (I‘ve not tried a pea, will do this tomorow).

Orko is such a cutie, it’s great watching him whizz about 😊
Great videos, he seemed to like the pea, (I‘ve not tried a pea, will do this tomorow).

Orko is such a cutie, it’s great watching him whizz about 😊
Aww thank you. That is so lovely to hear. He actually dropped the pea in the hole of his MCH and could not get it out himself. When I got it out I realised he just ate the middle and did not want the skin.🤣
Aw that could be quite a little story book in itself! Orko and the Pea. Not quite like the princess and the pea but more like that song about the meatball that rolled on the floor then out of the door :)
Aw that could be quite a little story book in itself! Orko and the Pea. Not quite like the princess and the pea but more like that song about the meatball that rolled on the floor then out of the door :)
That would be a cute story. It was cute the way he peered into the hole to see it roll there. :)